"dc-title","UserLevel","dc-date","Collection","Chronology","Icon","Id","dc-creator","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-description","Redirect","Name","Type" "","","8 March 1939","Agora","mid-90's--early 80's B.C.","Agora:Image:2004.05.0242::/Agora/2004/2004.05/2004.05.0242.tif::2512::1476","Agora:Coin:N 33720","","Athens","Coins | Greek Coins | Attica | Athens | Bronze, Period III (Ca. 160s - 87/86 B.C.)","Sv. 81.49--52; Kleiner 1976, pl. 2:24--26 (Type 2i)","","N 33720","Coin" "Fill","","7 March-1 April 1939","Agora","Prehistoric to Roman","","Agora:Deposit:E-F 2-3:2","","","","N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. ; Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road running out of the square and of the stoa that bordered it to the north; explanatory cut at the west boundary of the excavated area.; No subdivisions are given but the layers are dated over the three areas as follows:; Area of Road:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st-2nd c. A.D.; Layer III-IV: 1st c. A.D.; Layer V-VI: 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.; Layer VII-VIII: 3rd-early 4th c. B.C.; Area of Stoa:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st c. A.D. (?); Layer III: 1st c. B.C.; Layer IV: 4th-3rd c. B.C.; Layer V-VIII: 4th c. B.C.; Layer IX: late 5th-first half 4th c. B.C.; Layer X: 6th-5th c. B.C., Geometric; Layer XI-XVIII: prehistoric to Neolithic (?); Area North of Stoa:; Layer I: early Roman; Layer II: late 3rd-early 4th c. A.D.; Layer III-VI: 4th c. B.C.; Layer VII: early 5th c. B.C.; Layer VIII: 5th c. B.C., Geometric, Helladic; Layer IX: Late-Middle Helladic; ; See also cut on 20m. line (F-G 3:1).","","E-F 2-3:2","Deposit" "Mixed","","1936, 1939","Agora","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-5-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΜΜ/ΜΜ 005/ΜΜ 005 001.jpg::1350::2048","Agora:Notebook:ΜΜ-5","Homer Α. Thompson","","","800","","ΜΜ-5","Notebook" "Mixed","","1939","Agora","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-6-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΜΜ/ΜΜ 006/ΜΜ 006 001.jpg::1237::2048","Agora:Notebook:ΜΜ-6","Homer Α. Thompson","","","1000","","ΜΜ-6","Notebook" "North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Road, Layer I.","","27 Feb 1939","Agora","2nd B.C.; Early 5th- early 2nd B.C.; 6th-3rd B.C.; 11th A.D.; 2nd-3rd A.D.; 1st-2nd A.D.; Early Roman; 1st A.D.; 1st B.C.- 1st A.D.","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-5-26::/Agora/Notebooks/ΜΜ/ΜΜ 005/ΜΜ 005 026 (0841-0842).jpg::2048::1588","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-5-26","","","","ΜΜ-5","","ΜΜ-5-26 (pp. 841-842)","NotebookPage" "North-South Cut on 50 m. Line; Area of Road","","Mar 10 1939","Agora","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-6-41::/Agora/Notebooks/ΜΜ/ΜΜ 006/ΜΜ 006 041 (1071-1072).jpg::2048::1684","Agora:NotebookPage:ΜΜ-6-41","","","","ΜΜ-6","","ΜΜ-6-41 (pp. 1071-1072)","NotebookPage"