"Icon","dc-subject","Collection","dc-description","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Id","dc-date","Name","Redirect","dc-creator","Chronology","Type","dc-title" "","","Agora","Pocket behind heavy Roman retaining wall.","","","Agora:Deposit:F 10:1","10 April 1934; July 1955","F 10:1","","","4th c. B.C.","Deposit","Pocket" "","","Agora","May be of Hellenistic origin when cistern system went out of use. ; For a general note on the cistern see Nb. ΟΕ III, pp. 246 ff.; ; Objects from B 586 various depths (no subdivision): S 2324-S 2330, ; P 34894, P 34898.; Objects from the Dump (no subdivision): P 10775, P 34895.; Containers representing various depths (no subdivision): Β 586, 587.","","","Agora:Deposit:G 11:2","18 May-10 June 1937","G 11:2","","","Late 2nd-early 6th c. A.D.","Deposit","Well in Cistern to West of Tholos" "","","Agora","Investigations in Room to N of Tholos, various layers and periods. ; Layer XI.1 Original construction ca. 470 B.C.; Layer VI-X.2 Repairs at the end of 5th c. or early 4th c. B.C.; Layer V.3 Second period; reconstruction in third quarter of 4th c. B.C.; .4 Third period; rebuilding in early 3rd c. B.C., towards end of first quarter.; Layer III and IV.5 Debris over Hellenistic floor; end of 2nd. c. B.C. Possibly the result of Sulla's sack.; Layers I and II. Fourth Period. Post-Sullan repair.","","","Agora:Deposit:G 11:7","22 April 1935; 22-24 April 1937","G 11:7","","","470 B.C.-post-Herulian reuse","Deposit","Tholos Kitchen"