"dc-publisher","dc-subject","Name","Chronology","dc-date","Type","Redirect","Id","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","UserLevel","Collection","dc-description" "","Checked","1947 ΝΝ","","10 Mar-3 Nov 1947","Report","","Agora:Report:1947 ΝΝ","Agora:ReportPage:1947-ΝΝ-1::/Agora/Reports/1947 ΝΝ/1947 ΝΝ 001.jpg::1582::2048","Section ΝΝ: 1947","Rodney S. Young","","Agora","Excavation continued in section ΝΝ with the aim of clearing the area for the new museum. Because of the unforeseen depth of filling, the area remained unfinished.; Several features were dug and examined. The Great Drain and the Post-Sullan Drain were cleared out throughout their length within the section, as was the Late Roman Water Channel running under the Roman Bath, which was proved to have two periods of use. A second Roman Bath was found. The two baths were separated by a street overlying Drain A. ; The excavation of several houses continued. Of particular interest was a large cutting which produced a heavy deposit of ostraka. A number of burials were excavated, amongst them a Mycenaean chamber tomb.; Fifteen of twenty-two wells totally found in the section, were dug, as were two cisterns." "","Checked","1948 Excavations","","10 Mar-1 Nov 1947","Report","","Agora:Report:1948 Excavations","Agora:ReportPage:1948-Excavations-1::/Agora/Reports/1948 Excavations/1948 Excavations 001.jpg::1581::2048","Report on the Agora Excavations May, 1947-April, 1948","Homer A. Thompson","","Agora","A report on the activities in the Athenian Agora during the period May 1947 to April 1948. The 1947 excavation lasted from March 10 to November 1. The efforts were concentrated on completing the exploration of areas that had already been opened up before The War, and in clearing a site for the Agora museum. The work was therefore confined to three areas: the southwest corner, the north slope of the Areopagus and the large area to the west of the Areopagus.; The 1948 excavation started on March 8 and was to continue through April. Work was concentrated on two objectives: first the clearance of the ancient road that ran southward from the southwest corner of the Agora past the west ends of the Middle Stoa and of the Fountain House; second, the complete exploration of the area to the west of the Areopagus, designated as a site for the permanent museum. The understanding of the importance of this area however reopened the question of where to build the museum." "","Checked","1948 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ","","13 Mar-29 Apr 1948","Report","","Agora:Report:1948 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ","Agora:ReportPage:1948-Excavations-ΝΝ,-ΞΞ-1::/Agora/Reports/1948 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ/1948 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ 001.jpg::1582::2048","Sections ΝΝ-ΞΞ 1948; Early Houses","Rodney S. Young","","Agora","Excavations were confined to a strip on the west side of the Great Drain where four houses of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. were excavated and examined in their relationship to the Great Drain. In the area of Houses 3 and 4, eight pyres were found. A Mycenaean burial of two small children was found in a pit under House 3. It should probably be associated with the chamber tomb dug out in the previous season."