"Chronology","Redirect","Id","Collection","Type","Icon","dc-creator","dc-subject","Name","dc-publisher","dc-description","dc-title","dc-date","UserLevel" "Ca. 400-325 B.C.","","Agora:Deposit:J 11:1","Agora","Deposit","","","","J 11:1","","Irregular depression in bedrock (ca. 7x5m), ca. 2m deep; area south of E-W Late Roman wall. Dumped filling apparently intended to level off the area.","Fourth Century Hole","10 March 1952","" "1st-2nd c. A.D.","","Agora:Deposit:K 9-10:1","Agora","Deposit","","","","K 9-10:1","","""Red Fill"" (extending to bedrock or near, over most of area). Mainly first century after Christ with later disturbance.","Red Fill West of Odeion","18-21 April 1936; 5 May 1936; 5-31 March 1952; 7 April 1952; 29 April 1952",""