"Chronology","Redirect","Id","dc-creator","Icon","Type","Collection","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","dc-publisher" "","","Agora:Object:P 10570","","Agora:Image:2022.03.0757::/Agora/2022/2022.03/2022.03.0757.tif::2048::1556","Object","Agora","Red Figured And White Ground | Miscellaneous","Red Figure Ring Vase with Three Skyphoi Attached","Two fragments preserve nearly the complete circumference of the ring. Flat-bottomed hollow ring vase, rectangular in section, with a slightly projecting flat base and slightly convex outer side wall. On top, three small pots (broken off near their bottoms) connect with the inside of the ring by holes pierced through their floors. They stood fairly high as indicated by the feet and bottom of the skirt of a running female figure preserved on the outer face of one of them. On top of the ring, reserved blobs; on its outer face, a continuous olive wreath. No contours; glaze smeary; coarse work.","","28 May 1937","P 10570",""