"Redirect","dc-date","Type","dc-subject","dc-creator","Id","Name","dc-description","Collection","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-publisher","Chronology","Icon" "","1968","Publication","","Lang, M.","Agora:Publication:Agora Picture Book 11","AgoraPicBk 11 (1968)","Preserved beneath the surface of the Agora are thousands of terracotta pipes, stone drainage channels, and lead pressure lines. These form a complex chain of waterworks, constructed and repaired over many different periods. This book discusses the complex engineering that channeled fresh water into the Agora and disposed of waste water, and shows some of the ornate wells and fountain houses where ancient Athenians gathered to drink and bathe.","Agora","","Waterworks in the Athenian Agora","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0014::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0014.jpg::200::313"