"dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","dc-title","Id","Redirect","dc-description","Icon","UserLevel","dc-creator","Collection","dc-subject","Type","dc-date" "","PD 2763 (DA 2482)","","Simplified actual state plan of part of sections ΒΕ and ΒΖ, after 1997 excavation season.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2482","","Scanned. DB: 14 (05/03/2001). Key for John Camp's 1996-1997 Excavation Report.","Agora:Image:2015.21.0021::/Agora/2015/2015.21/2015.21.0021.tif::4096::5817","","Richard C. Anderson","Agora","Site | By Area | North | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","February 1998" "","PD 2763 (DA 2483)","","Simplified actual state plan of part of sections ΒΕ and ΒΖ, after 1997 excavation season.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2483","","Scanned. DB: 14 (05/03/2001). Key for John Camp's 1996-1997 Excavation Report.","Agora:Image:2002.01.2763::/Agora/2002/2002.01/2002.01.2763.tif::2816::4000","","Richard C. Anderson","Agora","Site | By Area | North | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","February 1998" "","PD 2763 (DA 2484)","","Simplified actual state plan of part of sections ΒΕ and ΒΖ, after 1997 excavation season.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2484","","Scanned. DB: 14 (05/03/2001). Key for John Camp's 1996-1997 Excavation Report.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2484::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/02000-02999/DA 2484.jpg::0::0","","Richard C. Anderson","Agora","Site | By Area | North | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","February 1998" "","PD 2763 (DA 2485)","","Simplified actual state plan of part of sections ΒΕ and ΒΖ, after 1997 excavation season.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2485","","Scanned. DB: 14 (05/03/2001). Key for John Camp's 1996-1997 Excavation Report.","","","Richard C. Anderson","Agora","Site | By Area | North | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","February 1998" "","PD 2767 (DA 2497)","","Classical Commercial Building, Section ΒΕ. Plan of visible remains with associated significant finds. For John Camp 1996-1998 Report.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2497","","","Agora:Image:1998.01.0002::/Agora/1998/1998.01/1998.01.0002.tif::1195::1349","","Michael Djordjevitch","Agora","","Drawing","June 1998" "","PD 2766 (DA 2860)","","Western part of the Middle Stoa: plan of earlier features.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2860","","Drafting Film","Agora:Drawing:DA 2860::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/02000-02999/DA 2860.jpg::0::0","","Michael Djordjevitch","Agora","Site | By Area | South | Middle Stoa | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","July 1998" "","PD 2766 (DA 2861)","","Western part of the Middle Stoa: plan of earlier features.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2861","","","Agora:Image:2002.01.2766::/Agora/2002/2002.01/2002.01.2766.tif::4000::2841","","Michael Djordjevitch","Agora","Site | By Area | South | Middle Stoa | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","July 1998" "","PD 2766 (DA 2862)","","Western part of the Middle Stoa: plan of earlier features.","Agora:Drawing:DA 2862","","","","","Michael Djordjevitch","Agora","Site | By Area | South | Middle Stoa | Plans and Drawings","Drawing","July 1998"