"dc-subject","Icon","Chronology","Name","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-description","Id","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Collection","Type","dc-publisher" "","Agora:Image:2011.04.0009::/Agora/2011/2011.04/2011.04.0009.tif::2512::2879","","P 32723","","22 July 1996","Nearly complete, except for missing fragment of rim. Two joining rim fragments. No evidence of burning. Ring foot. Broad neck; flaring rim with rounded lip. Two vertical handles attached from upper shoulder to neck, a finger or thumb impression at the base of each. Neck made separately from body. Exterior surface smoothed. ; ; Clay close to pink 7.5 YR 7/4.; ; Cf. Agora VIII, pp. 54-55, pl. 11, nos. 195-202.","Agora:Object:P 32723","Kados: Cooking Ware","","","Agora","Object","" "","Agora:Image:2012.84.0670::/Agora/2012/2012.84/2012.84.0670.jpg::2048::1365","","P 32725","","10-24 July 1996","Mended from many fragments, preserving most of rim, neck and small portion of upper shoulder (including both handles) of Sos amphora. One handle non-joining. ; Relatively short vertical neck, made separately from body, flaring to thick, rounded rim. Prominent ridge set below rim. Vertical handles, round in section, attached from upper shoulder to mid-neck. Paint rather irregularly applied, streaky, but well adhering; fired black where thickest, thinning to light red/ reddish-brown where more dilute. Preserved shoulder and outer faces of handles painted solid. Neck reserved and decorated with: . Central concentric ""O""s are compass-drawn. Upper neck above ridge, rim exterior and top painted solid. Rim and neck on interior reserved.; Clay fired close to reddish-yellow 5YR 7/ 6; reserved surfaces slightly lighter. ; ; Cf. Agora VIII, pp. 32-34, pls. 2, 42, nos. 23-28.","Agora:Object:P 32725","Amphora Fragments","","","Agora","Object","" "","Agora:Image:2012.82.1617::/Agora/2012/2012.82/2012.82.1617.jpg::1375::2048","Late 5th century B.C.","S 3465","","17 July 1996","Broken at neck, nose and chips missing from face. ; Head of youth, hair tied in a narrow fillet. Hair parted in middle, descending from crown in a series of waves or long curls. Head tilted slightly to figure's left. Very clean break at neck, though no obvious signs of reworking.; Style of late 5th century BC.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Object:S 3465","Head of Youth","","","Agora","Object","" "","Agora:Image:2023.03.0431::/Agora/2023/2023.03/2023.03.0431.tif::1350::2048","","T 4426","","30 July 1996","Two joining fragments make up complete figurine.; Standing Aphrodite with hands to head holding a tress of hair to either side, right elbow raised, left elbow held close to body. Drapery wrapped around legs from just below buttocks at back to upper thighs at front, where fabric knotted. Figure stands with weight on left leg; right leg free. ; Circular base, grooved, with irregular resting surface. Pierced from below. Mold mark very evident all around sides. ; Figurine entirely slipped white, overpainted yellow on drapery. ; Dark orange clay.","Agora:Object:T 4426","Aphrodite Anadyomene Figurine","","","Agora","Object",""