"dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name","Redirect","Chronology","Id","dc-creator","Icon","Type","Collection" "","Infant burial","In NE corner of Room D. In a Byzantine vessel=P 34464. ; The position of the vessel in the corner of the room suggests that the burial was made after the construction of Byzantine Walls G and E. This type of burial is unique in this time period; the examination of the child's bones has indicated that it may have been miscarried.; Disturbed Roman floor surfaces inside Byzantine Room D.","","12-26 June 2002","","J 1:4","","10th-11th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:J 1:4","","Agora:Image:2002.09.0006::/Agora/2002/2002.09/2002.09.0006.tif::2125::1299","Deposit","Agora" "","Coroplast Deposit","Terracotta deposit in SW corner of Room K and E of Roman Wall L. Roman layer of red, compact earth.; Baskets 50,52,54.","","18 July 2002","","J 1:5","","4th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:J 1:5","","Agora:Image:2012.86.1297::/Agora/2012/2012.86/2012.86.1297.jpg::2048::1383","Deposit","Agora" "Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Handler | Byzantine Building East of the North-South Road | Room E | Well J 2:18","Well in the South Section of Room E in the Byzantine Building East of the North-South Road","Located in the south section of Room E in the Byzantine Building east of the North-South Road. The uppermost 1.5 meters of well lining was built of well-coursed stones (some reused marble blocks) and tiles. Below, the well was lined with two courses of terracotta rings with footholds. Under the terracotta lining, only the north and west sides of the lining were preserved, where it was constructed of rubble and tiles.; ; Only one post-period-of-use fill (dated to the 12th century AD) was excavated before we reached the level where the lining had collapsed in antiquity and had to stop digging.; ; The later phase of the well, a Byzantine well-lining and well-head, was excavated during the 2001 season (BZ XXV p. 4953, Lot BZ 1217) and the Roman catchment basin and well-lining down to the level of the terracotta lining were excavated during the 2002 season (BZ XXVII pp. 5279 & 5285 for the catchment basin; BZ XXVII p. 5293 for the Roman well-lining). ; ; During the 2003 season, we dismantled the terracotta lining and packing fill of the original construction phase of the well, leaving in situ the section of the well lining that was still in tact on the northeast side of the well (at an elevation of 51.973 masl and below). We removed two courses of terracotta lining from the top of the well, and excavated the packing fill behind it to reveal the original cutting for the well. The packing fill for the well consisted almost entirely of fragments of tegulae mammatae (133 were found in the packing fill from 50.657 to 53.001 masl), which gives the destruction of the bath to the southwest in 395/6 AD as a terminus post quem for the original construction phase of the well.","","6-30 July 2001; 23-25 July 2003","","J 2:18","","12th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:J 2:18","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2012.61.0379::/Agora/2012/2012.61/2012.61.0379.jpg::2018::2048","Deposit","Agora" "","Cistern","Plaster lined cistern. The cistern seems to have been bottle shaped; the walls are narrower at the preserved top, which is broken along its entire circuit, and gradually widen until about a third of the way down, at which point they remain consistently vertical until they hit the flat bottom floor. The fill was homogeneous and apparently all deposited at the same time.","","24 July-1 August 2001; 5-6 July 2006","","J 2:20","","12th c. AD","Agora:Deposit:J 2:20","Matt McCallum","Agora:Image:2012.86.0977::/Agora/2012/2012.86/2012.86.0977.jpg::2048::1373","Deposit","Agora" "Excavations | 2002 | Trenches | Scahill | Well J 3:8","Protogeometric/Early Geometric Well","Protogeometric/Early Geometric well under floors in Room 1, Classical Building II, on north side of south ashlar wall. See J 3:9 for the burial within this well.; ; Cf. Hesperia Suppl. 50 (2018), p. 106, n. 10.","","27 June 2001; 17 July 2002","","J 3:8","","","Agora:Deposit:J 3:8","David Scahill","Agora:Image:2007.11.0787::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.0787.tif::2230::1460","Deposit","Agora" "","Burial within Well","Burial in Geometric well (J 3:8), in Classical Building II, Room I, next to south ashlar wall.","","17-24 July 2002","","J 3:9","","Geometric","Agora:Deposit:J 3:9","David Scahill","Agora:Image:2002.09.0026::/Agora/2002/2002.09/2002.09.0026.tif::1500::2271","Deposit","Agora" "","Well","Well cut into bedrock under late Roman building in ΕΛ. 1.2m in diameter with small cutting of unclear function at south edge about 0.2m wide. Walls cut straight down, tapering near bottom to 0.8m. Footholds about 30cm apart down the north and south sides. Does not seem to have tapped into a water source, no distinct period of use. There were 14 layers of fill from two periods-the Roman resurfacing of the area using Hellenistic fill (possibly associated with Deposit T-U 21:1, but not kept as such since floors were damaged in area directly above) and dumped fill from the late 6th/early 5th c. B.C. Much earlier material (Neolithic, etc) mixed throughout.; Layers:; Hellenistic fill under Roman floors; I.(86.34-85.93m) rubble; II.(85.93-85.58m) dark brown rubble; III.(85.57-85.30m) more stony rubble; IV.(85.30-84.80m) very rocky, almost sterile, increase of clay and sand; V.(84.80-84.03m) less rocks, almost sterile, increase of clay and sand; Late 6th/early 5th B.C dumped fills; VI.(84.03-82.64m) mix of clay and sand deposits, dog skulls; VII.(82.64-81.79m) mostly sand; VIII.(81.79-81.39m) light brownish-grey clay, almost sterile; IX.(80.39-80.99m) mix of grey clay, brown clay and sand, much ceramic; X.(80.99-80.24m) sandy, more ceramic; XI.(80.19-77.74m) sandy, enormous stones (some 100kg+). A ""contamination layer"" was excavated after layer X because heavy rains refilled the well.; XII.(77.74-75.71m) clay with sand, even more ceramic, ,burned rocks and sherds; pigment and wood; XIII.(75.71-74.84m) crushed bedrock and marl, wood (bucket), large shells, little ceramic, pigment. Excavated in two baskets, seasons 2002 and 2003.; XIV.(74.84-74.57m) bluish-gray crushed bedrock,, little ceramic and charcoal","","26 June-2 August 2001; 12 June-2 August 2002; 12-23 June 2003","","U 21:1","","Late Archaic","Agora:Deposit:U 21:1","","Agora:Image:2009.01.0270::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0270.tif::3040::2008","Deposit","Agora" "","Urn burial of an Infant","","","10-11 January 1978","","G 12:26","","Late Geometric or Early Proto-attic","Agora:Deposit:G 12:26","John Camp","","Deposit","Agora"