"Id","dc-date","Collection","dc-title","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-description","Type","Icon" "Agora:Deposit:K 3:1","20 July-6 August 2010","Agora","Frankish Coin Hoard","12th-13th c. A.D.","","K 3:1","Excavations | 2010 | Trenches | West | Western Section | Central Area | Level 3 North | Deposit K 3:1","","Michael Laughy","","West and adjacent to Modern Wall 5, we excavated 12th-13th c. A.D. fill, in some places a half meter deep or more. The fill was remarkably uniform in content throughout. Typical pottery included: fine sgraffito; slip painted ware; inscribed ware; plain glaze; brown and green glaze; polychrome glaze; Byzantine lamp fragments; coarse wares; and cooking wares. Within this fill, we discovered a slightly scattered hoard of 43 coins. At the time of this summary, the legible coins are Frankish, and date to the early 13th c. A.D. ; ; Coins: ΒΘ-96; ΒΘ-98 -128; ΒΘ-135 -145; Pottery lots: T 141, T 143; Notebook: ΒΘ VIII; Baskets: 43, 57; pp. 1557, 1587; X-Section: pp. 1460, 1500; Grid: K/6,9-3/5,9; Elevation: 54.544-54.111m.","Deposit","" "Agora:Deposit:L 2:6","2-19 July 2010","Agora","Cistern at L/11-2/11","","","L 2:6","a) Lot 666 : 52.335-52.067 masl, 6th c. A.D","","","","The cistern was lined with stones at the top with an opening 0.80 m in diameter. For the most part, it seemed to cut into bedrock except along its northern edge where some 5th c. B.C fill remains and main continue further down (Lot 663). The shaft has a cement lining with 4 sets of hand-holes place on opposite sides at intervals of about 0.30 m going down. The opening begins to widen very gradually at about 1 m down, forming a bottle shape, with a maximum diameter of 1.55 m at the bottom, and a total depth of 2.80m.","Deposit","Agora:Image:2010.15.0012::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0012.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0001","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Wall 30 Area; Cistern L 2:6.","","","2010.15.0001","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0001::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0001.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0002","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Wall 30 Area; Cistern L 2:6.","","","2010.15.0002","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0002::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0002.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0003","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Northwest Baulk.","","","2010.15.0003","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0003::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0003.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0004","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Area north of stoa.","","","2010.15.0004","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0004::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0004.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0005","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Back wall of stoa, with robbing trench along foundation.","","","2010.15.0005","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0005::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0005.tif::5616::3744" "Agora:Image:2010.15.0006","9 Aug 2010","Agora","End of season 2010, section ΒΗ. Back wall of stoa; early foundation at right.","","","2010.15.0006","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΒΗ","","Craig Mauzy","","Raw files and extra images in Photography/Unworked/Projects/2010 Excavation/2010.15","Image","Agora:Image:2010.15.0006::/Agora/2010/2010.15/2010.15.0006.tif::5616::3744"