[Agora Deposit] G 14:5: Cistern: Southern chamber

Connected with G 14:3. There was a layer of Late Roman fill. It rested over a layer of 2nd c. B.C Hellenistic and then another of 4th c. B.C Hellenistic; the passage between the two cisterns contained ... Late Hellenistic

[Agora Deposit] G-I 11-12: Investigations in the area of the Tholos

Investigations in the area around the Tholos, especially to the east and south of the building, between it and the Great Drain, and not otherwise specified as deposits. This "deposit" has no form. It ... various levels and dates

[Agora Deposit] H 12:4: Gravelly Pocket Beside Drain

Actually in 38/ΙΕ, nbp. 766). Pit contained at top much pottery and a few coins; sand for about 0.70m below, produced little pottery but many coins including some 2nd century Imperial and one of Salonica ... 3rd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] H 12:19: Pocket in Floor of Middle Drain

See also H 12:1. Coins: 22 February 1938 #2-#37 ... 3rd-2nd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H-I 12:1: Burnt Layers

Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ). Coins Ζ: Coins Θ: 1 June 1951 ... Mid-3rd c. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] I 3:1: Well Under Room I of Byzantine House

A tile lined well under Room I of Byzantine House. A concrete shaft belonging to the mill cut off the top of the well and left in place 3 complete sets of tiles and most of a fourth set. All but the lowest ... 17-18 c. A.D.


[Agora Image] 2012.58.1274 (87-573)

Drawing of Greek coin ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.59.0711 (88-622)

Coins, obverse ... AMS Horizontal (normal)