[Agora Object] ST 283: Grinder or Pestle Fragment

One side broken away. Roughly dome-shaped; the flat side worn smooth. Gray limestone. Finished Well 10; Neolithic. Leica, 83-512 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] ST 284: Weight Fragment

About half missing. A roughly oval (?) object, flattened on both faces, and pierced somewhere near the center with a hole which shows signs of wear, as if the stone had hung from a string. Hard purplish-gray ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] ST 285: Millstone Fragment

Fragment from edge, preserving part of flat bottom and of high dome-shaped top. Gray stone with many small patches of quartz. Well 10; Neolithic. Leica, 83-512 ... 7-10 March 1939


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 39, p. 18

Well. The Neolithic Period; Relative and Absolute Chronology. Eutresis, pp. 206-207, fig. 278, 6-8. Asea, p. 122, note 1. Troy, I, fig. 217, 36.366, p. 87. Zygouries, p. 200, fig. 188, 2, 5, 7. Troy, I, ... Agora 13 18 U 24:3 S 27:4 S 27:3 U 24:2 T 24:4 T 26:6 U 26:5


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 46, p. 25

Well. Hesperia, 9, 1940, p. 297, fig. 38. Hesperia, 27, 1958, p. 138, pl. 38, a. Arch. Anz., 1962, col. 123, fig. 7. Πρακτικά, 1951, p. 103, figs. 9, δ, and 10, α. Caskey, Hesperia, 27, 1958, p. 137, note ... Agora 13 25 P 13912 P 14752 P 13884 P 14753 P 14562 P 17297 P 13904 P 25859 P 13878 P 13927 P 14584 P 13937 T 26:3 U 24:2 S 27:4 S 27:7 T 26:6 T 26:1 S 27:5 U 24:3 T 24:2 ... Middle Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 47, p. 26

Thorikos, 1965, III, p. 26. Well. Levi, Abitazioni, pp. 429, 437, figs. 19, a and 23, b. Naissance, I, fig. 124. Asea, p. 39, fig. 37, b, c. B.C.H., LXXXI, 1957, p. 627. fig. 24. Πρακτικά, 1951, pp. 101ff, ... Agora 13 26 P 14741 P 14592 P 13985 P 14742 P 14588 P 13881 P 13941 P 14784 P 13986 P 13883 P 14791 P 14585 P 13976 U 24:2 U 24:3 S 27:3 S 27:4 T 25:1 T 24:4 R 28:2 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 48, p. 27

Well. Πρακτικα, p. 103, fig. 9, ζ. Hesperia, 33, 1964, pl. 47, h, i. Thorikos, 1965, III, p. 25, fig. 21. Eutresis, p. 84, pl. V, 1 ... Agora 13 27 P 14582 P 13987 P 13873 P 13905 P 13882 P 14743 P 22365 P 14744 P 27031 P 14580 P 27010 P 14746 U 24:3 S 28:1 T 26:1 T 26:3 S 27:4 U 24:2 S 27:3 T 26:5 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 49, p. 28

Well. Orchomenos, II, p. 23, fig. 19. Πρακτικά, 1951, pp. 102-103, figs. 8, α and 10, α. Segall, Katalog Museum Benaki, no. 1, pp. 11-14, pls. 1-3 ... Agora 13 28 P 14581 P 14745 P 13901 P 13903 P 27006 P 25956 P 14589 P 13906 P 27002 P 22817 P 14785 U 24:3 U 24:2 T 26:3 T 26:5 U 24:4 T 26:4 ... Late Neolithic-Early Helladic I


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 50, p. 29

Well. D.S., pl. 10, 1. P.T., p. 98, fig. 50, d-j. Levi, Abitazioni, p. 441, fig. 29, o. D.S., pls. 10, 2; 30. Orchomenos, II, pl. II, 3. Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 502, note 2. Naissance, II, fig. 840 ... Agora 13 29 P 14583 P 27008 P 13909 P 14590 P 14591 P 14594 P 27016 P 13938 P 13913 U 24:3 T 26:5 T 26:3 U 26:5 T 24:2 ... Late Neolithic-Early Helladic I


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 51, p. 30

Hesperia, 28, 1959, pl. 41, b. Well. NAtional Museum 6112. Troy, I, Type C 34, pp. 72, 102, fig. 230 (35.539). There, pls. VIII, 114, IX, 506, 201, XII, 556, 126, 63, 115. B.M. Cat., I, 1, pls. I, A 25, ... Agora 13 30 P 13990 P 13930 P 14755 P 14593 P 13928 P 14754 P 13907 P 24230 S 28:1 S 27:5 U 24:2 U 24:3 S 27:4 T 26:3 ... Late Neolithic-Early Helladic I


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 52, p. 31

There, pl. VIII, 10, 98, 138. Pr. Mac., pp. 141-143, nos. 19-36, fig. 11, pl. VII. P.T., pp. 105, 152, figs. 55, m., 96, e. D.S., col. 278, fig. 211. Arch.Anz., 1959, cols. 63-65, figs. 10, 11. Naissance, ... Agora 13 31 P 13908 P 13984 P 13942 P 14792 P 14596 P 14595 P 14757 P 14586 P 26981 T 26:3 S 27:3 T 25:1 T 24:4 U 24:3 U 24:2 T 26:4 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 53, p. 32

Well. Anat. St., XI, 1961, p.111, 140-141, fig. 15, 24. Anat. St., XI, 1961, p.111. Troy, I, fig. 243, 25, shape A 6. Weinberg, Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 508, fig. 23, g. Holmberg, Neol. Pot., pp. 26-27. David ... Agora 13 32 P 14599 P 13874 P 13979 P 14751 P 14790 P 13899 P 14756 P 14740 U 24:3 T 26:1 R 28:2 U 24:2 T 26:3 ... Middle-Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 56, p. 35

Prosymna, II, fig. 627. Well. Orchomenos, II, p. 34, fig. 32. D.S., pl. 16, 8 ... Agora 13 35 P 14787 P 13981 P 14604 P 14587 P 13991 P 13902 P 26985 P 14759 P 26982 P 13918 U 24:3 S 27:3 T 26:3 T 26:4 U 24:2 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 59, p. 38

Well. Troy, I, fig. 411, 137.998, 137.999. Orchomenos, II, ol. IX, 4. Naissance, II, fig. 837. Hesperia, 33, 1964, pl. 47, a ... Agora 13 38 P 14781 P 13920 P 14605 P 27001 P 25857 P 13876 P 14758 P 14606 P 13921 P 14760 U 24:2 T 26:3 U 24:3 T 26:4 T 26:5 T 26:1 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 60, p. 39

Hesperia, 4, 1937, p. 510, figs. 26c, 27 a, d. Well. D.S., col. 250, fig. 151. Hesperia, 33, 1964, pl. 46, h, i. D.S., col. 280, fig. 222. Ἐφ. Ἀρχ., 1908, cols. 91-92, pl. β, 17. Troy, I, pp. 284-285, ... Agora 13 39 P 14737 P 27015 P 13919 P 14603 P 14762 P 26993 P 26994 P 14602 P 27000 U 26:5 T 26:3 U 24:3 U 24:2 T 26:4 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 61, p. 40

Troy, I, p. 284. Well. Naissance, II, fig. 834. Asea, p. 57, fig. 60, a. Troy, I, fig. 242, 12. Troy, I, fig. 248, 11. B.S.A., LV, 1960, pl. 19, a, 8. Arch. Anz., 1954, cols. 19-20, figs. 19-20. Asea, ... Agora 13 40 P 13877 P 26995 P 27003 P 27023 P 27024 P 13932 P 14786 P 14610 P 14768 T 26:1 T 26:4 T 26:6 S 27:5 U 24:2 U 24:3 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 62, p. 41

Naissance, II, fig. 835. Prosymna, II, fig. 629, 9. Well. P.T., p. 156, fig. 101, b. Troy, I, fig. 247, 1. D.S., col. 281, fig. 219. D.S., col. 233, fig. 130. Naissance, II, fig. 473. Hesperia, 33, 1964, ... Agora 13 41 P 25865 P 14769 P 26998 P 27018 P 14609 P 27007 P 27014 P 26999 P 13933 U 26:5 U 24:2 T 26:4 U 24:3 T 26:5 U 26:2 S 27:5 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 63, p. 42

Well. Asea, p. 58, fig. 61, d. B.S.A., LV, 1960, pl. 19, a, 1. D.S., col. 281, figs. 219-220. Levi, Abitazioni, p. 474, fig. 55, d. B.S.A., LV, 1960, pl. 19, a, 7. Asea, p. 58, fig. 61, a. D.S., col. 232, ... Agora 13 42 P 14765 P 14607 P 13887 P 14608 P 13917 P 14767 P 27020 P 13886 P 25861 P 14766 P 26996 P 14764 P 13989 U 24:2 U 24:3 S 27:4 T 26:3 T 26:6 T 26:4 S 28:1 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 64, p. 43

Well. Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 510, fig. 26, d, p. 503, fig. 14, a. P.T., p. 112, fig. 59, a-b. B.C.H., LXXIX, 1955, p. 295, fig. 4 ... Agora 13 43 P 13981 P 10849 P 14598 P 13900 P 14597 P 14549 P 13929 P 27026 P 13992 P 25862 S 27:4 U 24:3 T 26:3 T 24:4 S 27:5 T 26:5 T 26:6 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 66, p. 45

Well. B.S.A., LV, 1960, pl. 19, a, 3. Hesperia, 33, 1964, pl. 47, b-d ... Agora 13 45 P 13934 P 14775 P 26990 P 14783 P 26991 P 13890 P 13916 P 14773 P 14788 P 14600 P 13910 P 14776 P 13889 S 27:5 U 24:2 T 26:4 S 27:4 T 26:3 U 24:3 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 67, p. 46

D.S., cols. 268-269, figs. 183-185. Well. D.S., cols. 268, fig. 182. Prosymna, II, fig. 625, 8, 12. D.S., cols. 229-233, figs. 123ff. D.S., cols. 229-233, fig. 271ff, 189ff. D.S., col. 279, fig. 215. A.J.A., ... Agora 13 46 P 13943 P 13875 P 26989 P 14779 P 14771 P 14772 P 14774 P 26986 P 13925 P 26987 P 14611 P 26988 T 25:1 T 26:1 T 26:4 S 27:4 U 24:2 T 26:3 U 24:3 ... Prosymna, II, fig. 625, 3, 11


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 70, p. 49

D.S., pls. 36, 4, 6. P.T., pp. 123, 127, figs. 73, 76, d. Hesperia, 33, 1964, pl. 46, a-b. P.T., pp. 128, fig. 77, f. D.S., pls. 35, 6-7. Catalogue; Artifacts. Eutresis, pp. 206-207, figs. 278, 6-8. Holmberg, ... Agora 13 49 ST 247 ST 711 ST 265 ST 283 ST 266 ST 264 ST 284 U 24:4 S 27:4 U 24:3 T 26:3 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 71, p. 50

Troy, I, fig. 218. Zygouries, p. 200. Troy, I, p. 46. Well. Troy, I, fig. 128, 221-222. Troy, I, figs. 366-368. Zygouries, p. 190, fig. 179. Renfrew, Cann, and Dixon, Obsidian in the Aegean, B.S.A., LX, ... Agora 13 50 ST 289 P 25858 ST 285 ST 267 MC 545 MC 1078 ST 282 ST 268 U 24:2 T 26:5 U 24:3 S 27:3 T 26:4 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 296, p. 275

Burial. Well. Other. Pit ... Agora 13 275 Q 7:5 Q 8:4 T 24:2 Q 8:8 T 24:4 Q 9:1 T 25:1 Q 10:2 T 26:1 Q 10:3 T 26:2 Q 10:4 T 26:3 R 7:1 R 7:2 T 26:4 R 10:4 R 21:4 T 26:5 T 26:6 R 28:1 T 26-27:2 R 28:2 U 24:2 S 18:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 U ...


[Agora Object] MC 545: Spindle Whorl

Piece from side, and chips around edges missing. A shallow dome, flat below. Pierced lengthwise. Gritty gray clay, the top surface smooth, gray to brown. Well 10. Neolithic. Leica, 83-505 PD 1200-24 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14580: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

Preserves slightly splayed lip, and upper part of somewhat bulging wall, with handle attachment. Clay gray to brownish-buff; coarse, with some mica. Dull reddish burnish inside and out. Well 10, Neolithic ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14581: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

Part of squat bulging wall with plain lip, probably vertical, or nearly so. Coarse clay, brownish to buff; some mica. Dull red burnished slip outside. ADDENDA Closed pot because no interior slip. Striped ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14582: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

From wall of a large deep straight-sided bowl with thickened lip, from which depend two ribs not quite vertical. Gritty gray clay, brown at surface; red burnished inside and out. Απότμημα νεολιθικού αγγείου ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14583: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

From large bowl with walls flaring to plain lip; a lug rises from the lip. Gritty gray clay, brown at surface; fair red burnished slip inside. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-516 PD 1200-18 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14584: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

From the wall of a open bowl with plain lip. Gritty brownish-buff clay; red burnished inside and out, with traces of striping. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-519 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14586: Bowl Fragment

From a bowl with marked low shoulder, upper wall flaring to plain lip. Gritty gray clay; grayish-black burnish inside and out. Απότμημα από το άνω μέρος σώματος, ανοικτού Νεολιθικού αγγείου. Well 10, ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14587: Vessel Fragment with Incised Decoration: Red Burnished

From the rim of a large open vessel. Straight wall, rounded lip with a band of deeply incised cross-hatching around outer face. Heavy fabric of gritty brownish clay, gray at core; red burnish inside and ... 7-10 March 1939


[Agora Object] P 14589: Bowl Fragment: Red Burnished

Part of flat bottom and flaring wall preserved. Gritty red clay, red at core; red burnish inside and out. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-491 PD 1200-16 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14590: Stand: Red Burnished

Mended from several fragments; the full height of the stand preserved, with a trace of the start of the pot above. Plain nearly cylindrical stand, spreading slightly to plain edge below. A hole pierced ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14591: Stand Fragment: Red Burnished

Fragment from nearly cylindrical stand, with one edge each of two cut-out diagonals preserved. Gritty red clay, red at surface, red to black burnish outside. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-516 PD 1200-18 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14592: Vessel Fragment: Red Burnished

Fragment from the wall of a large open vessel with a lug handle, horizontally pierced. From the lower edge of the lug, a raised rib extends downwards not quite vertically. Gritty brownish clay, gray at ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14593: Handle Fragment: Red Burnished

Heavy vertical(?) lug handle, made in two pieces joined towards the top, the upper edge scalloped, leaving three rounded projections. Gritty gray to brown clay; rather dull red to black burnish. Απότμημα ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14594: Handle Fragment: Red Burnished

The full width preserved; ends broken. On the underside, traces of attachment. Gritty gray to brown clay; rather dull light red burnish. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14596: Jar Fragment: Black Burnished

Part of rounded wall and start of vertical lip preserved. Neat widely spaced ridges on the wall; trace also of ridges on lip. Gritty dark gray clay; highly polished black burnish inside and out. Θραύσμα ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14597: Vessel Fragment

Flaring wall with rounded shoulder topped by small rolled rim. A small knob on the shoulder, at the curve. Gritty gray to brown clay, the surfaces blackened in part. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-499 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14598: Vessel Fragment

Fragment preserving part of steep wall and short shoulder; rim slightly thickened. Gritty gray clay. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-499 PD 1200-20 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14599: Bowl Fragment: Burnished Ware

Fragment of deep bowl; wall convex; lip slightly out-turned. Gritty gray to brown clay; black to brownish burnish inside and out, worn. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-525 PD 1200-17 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14600: Bowl Fragment

Fragment preserves part of nearly vertical upper wall, with plain lip, and start of insloping lower wall. Vertical strap handle on lower part of upper wall. Gritty gray clay, surface red to brownish-black ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14602: Bowl Fragment with Incised Decoration

Fragment from wall and rim, the lower wall forming an angle with the shoulder. Mock rolled rim. On the rim, and on the shoulder angle, a series of short deep vertical gouges. Gritty gray to brown clay; ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14603: Vessel Fragment with Incised Decoration

Wall fragment with broad vertical strap handle. Extending upwards from the upper handle attachment, a broad slightly raised band decorated with heavily gouged diagonal grooves; similar horizontal bands ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14604: Vessel Fragment with Incised Decoration

Fragment from the rim of a vessel preserving what is apparently part of a band basket handle rising from the plain rim. Deep diagonal gouges on handle and on wall. Gritty red clay, gray at core. Well ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14606: Vessel Fragment with Incised Decoration

Wall fragment decorated with a panel of hatched alternating triangles, between vertical grooves. Gritty gray clay; surface light red inside; outside considerably blackened. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14607: Vessel Fragment with Relief Decoration

Wall fragment decorated with a raised band and small bumps, the band turning at a right angle. Extremely gritty red clay. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-495 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14610: Vessel Fragment with Impressed Decoration

Heavy base, flat beneath. Around the outer face, a band of small round holes gouged in a slightly raised band. Gritty gray to red clay. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica PD 1200-20 ... 7-10 March 1939

[Agora Object] P 14611: Handle Fragment

A flat band bent back on itself. Gritty gray clay; smooth red-brown to gray surface. Well 10, Neolithic. Leica, 83-514 ... 7-10 March 1939


[Agora Publication] The Neolithic and Bronze Ages

Immerwahr, S. A ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The finds in the Athenian Agora from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages have added important chronological context to the earliest eras of Athenian history. The bulk of the items are pottery, but stone, bone, ... 1971