[Agora Deposit] L-M 17-18:1: Southwest House and Central House (1958)

Fillings associated with early houses on the lower north slopes of the Areopagus; various levels and dates. Both houses were built in the 6th century B.C. and destroyed by the Persians; both also have ... 6rd c. B.C.-3rd c. A.D ... See also L 17:3 where objects SS 14318 and T 3576 are listed as part of the well

[Agora Deposit] T 18:2: Well AB in ΕΛ

Well ΑΒ located on the lower terrace to the north of the sanctuary(diameter 1.10m). Foot-holes were cut into the shaft at intervals of ca. 0.40m. The fill consisted mostly of small stones, dug bedrock, ... Second quarter of the 6th century B.C ... Objects : terracotta; loom weights; spindle whorl; cut disk; handmade-coarse

[Agora Deposit] E 15:1: Well A

Well shaft cut through a cistern channel which was then packed with three amphorae (P 3123, P 3125, P 4201) of 1st or at latest early 2nd c. A.D. (These three amphorae could be considered with F 15:2) ... 3rd-4th c. A.D ... 15:2). Objects SS 2040, SS


[Agora Deposit] N 21:5: Disturbed Tomb with Cist Grave

Mycenaean Small Chamber tomb. The cist measures 1,90m E to W, 0.75-0.90m N to S, max. depth -1.30m. Nothing was found in it; cleaned in modern times and used as a cesspool. Some of the SW part of it had ... Myc. IIIA, early 14th c ... chamber. The objects were found

[Agora Deposit] S 13:2: Mycenaean Well (S/1,2-13/20,14/1)

Mycenaean Well (S/1,2-13/20,14/1). Underneath the NE Room of the Library of Pantainos, along its S side, as a cutting in bedrock containing reddish fill with bits of green bedrock. The feature is rectangular ... 30 June-23 July 1975 ... measurements for objects found in


[Agora Deposit] D 16:11: Casting pit

Laura Gawlinski ... Bronze foundry north of bridge on Piraeus street, east of Great Drain. Keyhole-shaped bronze casting pit, cut into bedrock. 2016: Continuation of the excavation of a rectangular pit with foundry debris, ... Late 6th-early 5th c. B.C. (Late Archaic/ Early Classical) ... their casted object, several


[Agora Deposit] N 21-22:1: Tomb of the Ivory Pyxides

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb occupies a considerable part of the western half of section ΕΕ; lies about half way up the north slope of the Areopagus towards its eastern end, just below the highest point of the ... Myc. III A:1 ... objects of any sort were found ... Group of objects: a) on the

[Agora Deposit] Q 12:1: Well by Stoa Pier 3.

Well by Stoa Pier 3. Mouth was discovered in 1950 (p. 2273). Between first and second POU; no joins between the groups, which were separated by nearly sterile fill. No apparent chronological difference ... Mid-2nd c. B.C ... mortar and a ladle-like object


[Agora Deposit] K 3:2: Byzantine Layer with Complete Pots

James Artz Pirisino Daniele Kylindreas Miltiades ... Excavation in Room 3 of ΒΘ West revealed 5 ceramic vessels in a row against the eastern face of Wall 12. 3 complete vessels (ΒΘ 122, 124, and 125) were catalogued, along with the base of a plain glazed ... 9th-11th c. A.D ... objects included in Deposit K