
[Agora Deposit] J 7:1: Child Inhumation

E.D. Townsend Vermeule ... Protogeometric Grave no. 2 at North of Temple of Ares (Grave XXXVII). Rectangular stone-lined pit in filling of Mycenaean chamber tomb (J 7:2); the skeleton of a boy. Cf. P 21275 which is from the "preliminary ... Middle Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] J 7:2: Chamber Tomb under the Temple of Ares

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb under north side of Temple of Ares, towards its west end.(1951). The tomb had a hasty and unfinished appearance oddly at variance with its long history and the quality of the pottery ... 1st: Myc IIB-IIA:1-2, 2nd: Myc. IIIC:1 (1450-1200 B.C.)


[Agora Deposit] J 9:2: Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation

Evelyn L. Smithson ... Submycenaean grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XXXIV). The skeleton of a 30 year's old female ... Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] L 2:6: Cistern at L/11-2/11

The cistern was lined with stones at the top with an opening 0.80 m in diameter. For the most part, it seemed to cut into bedrock except along its northern edge where some 5th c. B.C fill remains and main ... 2-19 July 2010


[Agora Deposit] N 6:3: Classical Dump

Classical dump at N/1,6-6/6,8. Layer 14 in Early Trench E. A tremendously thick layer of dumped fill with ceramic contents ranging down through the second half of the 5th century and into very early years ... Late 5th c. (Early 4th c.)


[Agora Deposit] O 7:1: Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation

Eugene Vanderpool ... E.L. Smithson: Grave XXXV. Adult female inhumation. Deposit summary and notebook write at 31/Θ-I ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean-Early Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] Q 6:3: Chamber Tomb in ΒΔ

Stephen G. Miller ... Irregular circular tomb (Diam. 2.20-2.60) with blocked dromos to northwest. Top of tomb lost in Archaic grading of area, center disturbed by Byzantine pit, overbuilt by northern-eastern walls of Room 3 ... LH III


[Agora Deposit] Q 6:4: Well at Q/14-6/11

"Koumanoudes' Well. Tile-lined well (diam. 0.85m) at SE corner of courtyard of Roman House E, at top built wall of stones and mortar, bedrock at bottom. Coin 7 August 1971 #495-#500 13 August 1971 #507 ... 28 July-6 August 1971


[Agora Deposit] Q 8:6: Cist Tomb, Child Inhumation

Homer A. Thompson ... PG grave to NW of Stoa Pier 19 (Tomb no. 5 in notebook). In some records as Grave XLII. It consisted of a rectangular pit, oriented north-south, cut into bedrock. The sides of the pit were lined and the ... Earlier-Developed Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] D 16:11: Casting pit

Laura Gawlinski ... Bronze foundry north of bridge on Piraeus street, east of Great Drain. Keyhole-shaped bronze casting pit, cut into bedrock. 2016: Continuation of the excavation of a rectangular pit with foundry debris, ... Late 6th-early 5th c. B.C. (Late Archaic/ Early Classical)


[Agora Deposit] G 4:3: Pit

Herm head deliberately buried in a pit with coins of the 2nd half of the 4th c. Head found at an elevation of 51.907. Bottom of the pit at 51.637 m. Coins: 27 June 1972 #199-#205 Bits of bronze, iron ... 2nd half 4th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] I 5:1: Pit Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan Rotroff ... Grave 1. Burial of a child perhaps 6 years old, covered by broken amphora. Skeleton lay extended on its back, oriented N-S, with head at south. No grave gifts. PD 2207 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:2: Cist Τomb, Adult Female Inhumation in ΒΓ

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 2. Adult female inhumation. Grave extending under the south retaining wall of the Temenos of the Royal Stoa. It is oriented ne-sw, with head at sw. Grave built of slabs of schist, with packing of ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:3: Cist Τomb, Adult Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Burial 3 beneath the floor of the Stoa Basileios. It consisted of a rectangular pit cut into bedrock to a depth of 0.44m, lined on all sides and covered with an admixture of narrow stone slabs of soft ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:4: Cist Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 4 under Royal Stoa. Cist Grave cut into bedrock and lined with limestone and schist slabs. There were two layers of cover slabs with a layer of dirt between. Grave measured 0.98x0,25-0,32x0,25-0,30 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:5: Cist Tomb, adult inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 5. Adult (female?) inhumation. Cist grave lined and covered with slabs of limestone, sandstone and schist. Cut into virgin soil under Royal Stoa at I/12,13-5/3,4. Grave measures 1.79x0.39-0.49x ca ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean