[Agora Object] P 27133: Dish Fragment: Stamped

Floor fragment. Stamped decoration consisting of six palm branches radiating from circles at center; between branches circles with fringes surrounded by three grooves. Late Roman Red Ware. Unworthy fill ... January 1964 ... branches radiating from circles ... branches circles with fringes

[Agora Object] P 26982: Vessel Fragment with Incised Decoration

Broken at both ends; lower end roughly circular, upper end curved and branching. Broad vertical incisions, branching at top. Gritty gray clay, pinkish-buff slip. Well 17. Leica, 83-515 PD 1200-19 ... 1961 ... branching. Broad vertical incisions, branching at top.

[Agora Object] L 4278: Lamp

Intact. Rim, palm branches with debased volutes at nozzle; discus, plain, pear-shaped; handle, solid, grooved. Reverse, broad almond-shaped, double-grooved around a palm-branch and incised circles. Unglazed ... 8 July 1947 ... Intact. Rim, palm branches with debased volutes at ... double-grooved around a palm-branch

[Agora Object] SS 13031: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Branch; late intrusion. Fountain House Porch to stepped retaining wall, layer 1. palm leaf 2110 Leica ... 25 April 1953 ... Branch; late intrusion.