[Agora Deposit] D-E 8-9:1: Theseion Cisterns A and B (1936)

Two chambers connected by a tunnel, all filled at the same time, but with slight Hellenistic disturbance. Chamber A, to west at 14/ΛΗ, B to east at 14-15/ΛΒ on grid for section RR. Cistern system ca. 20.00m ... Ca. 325-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 3:1: Cistern at 44/Η

Cistern with considerable dumped fill at the north foot of Kolonos Agoraios. It may have been abandoned ca. 295-295 B.C.; it will have been filled by 280 B.C. Multiple vessels share same stamps, and painted ... Ca. 325-250 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] F 16:8: Menon's Cistern and Well

Cistern and well in Marble Worker's House. Coins: 5 August 1968 #1-#6 (#5 and #6 disintegrated. Missing 19/7/1973) 6 August 1968 #1bis-#25 (#5 in Lot 503 not a coin but bronze bits of nail. #6 not a coin ... 325-275 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] J 5:1: Crossroads Well

Located at the bifurcation of the Panathenaic Way and West Road.Byzantine fill (9th-10th century) in upper 5.70m. with a series of Classical to Hellenistic accumulations below. Coins: 10 July 1971 #861 ... 14 June-27 July 1971