
[Agora Image] 1997.10.0318 (XXXV-95)

Fragments of capitals from above the piers behind the colossal figures ... ca. 1948


[Agora Object] A 1491: Pilaster Capital Fragments

Fragments of capital from the Odeion, Colossal Figures series. The scheme of the capital is very similar to the pilaster caps of the Arch of Hadrian in Athens. Its attribution to the Giants is indicated ... 1949

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 19 10.2307_146772 10.2307_146773 10.2307_146774 10.2307_146775 10.2307_146776 10.2307_146777 10.2307_146778 10.2307_146790 10.2307_146791 10.2307_146792 10.2307_146793 10.2307_146794 10.2307_146795 ... 1950