[Agora Deposit] D 16:1: Cistern A

Cistern (diameter 0.90m) with two channels; the fill of the cistern proper, below the scant upper (Byzantine) deposit, appears to have been dumped all at the same time, to 325-275 B.C. Notebook says "all ... 325-275 B.C.


[Agora Notebook] ΟΟ-9

Notebook ... Margaret Crosby ... 1601 1797 ... 1948


[Agora Object] G 326: Bottle or Alabastron Fragment

Fragment with plain wide flat rim and part of cylindrical neck. Thick brownish glass. Soft fill in top of cistern A. Late Roman-Byzantine. 1645 Leica, 81-1-3 ... 6 April 1948


[Agora Report] 1948 Excavations: Report on the Agora Excavations May, 1947-April, 1948

Homer A. Thompson ... A report on the activities in the Athenian Agora during the period May 1947 to April 1948. The 1947 excavation lasted from March 10 to November 1. The efforts were concentrated on completing the exploration ... 10 Mar-1 Nov 1947


[Agora Report] 1948 ΟΟ: Section ΟΟ 1948

Margaret Crosby ... Work in Section ΟΟ was concentrated on the east and west ends of the north side of the section: parts of the ancient east-west street were explored; ca 20 meters of the Great Drain was clearly exposed; ... 8 Mar-26 Apr 1948