
[Agora Deposit] H 16:3: Cistern System

An extensive cistern system on the lower north slope of the Areopagus, south chamber with blind tunnel extending further south (south tunnel); north chamber; drawshaft further north, extends to north tunnel ... Ca. 320-240 B.C.


[Agora Object] S 83: Statuette Fragment: Draped Standing Female

The lower part of a standing female statuette; it is broken above the waist and below the knees; part of the back is flattened. The dress is a Doric chiton with the apoptygma hanging to the hips; the lower ... 30 June 1931


[Agora Object] S 215: Statuette Fragment: Draped Girl

Preserved from hip to lower part of neck; with shoulders and upper part of arms close to body. A girl dressed in a clinging Ionic chiton. Archaistic. Pentelic marble. Cistern, south chamber. Leica, LXXV-95, ... 5th or 4th B.C.


[Agora Object] S 443: Statuette of Draped Female Figure Leaning on Small Figure

A woman, wearing a chiton and with an himation over her left arm and wrapped around her hips, stands leaning with her left elbow on a small caryatid-like figure of Archaic Kore type. Of the woman, the ... 19 March 1934


[Agora Object] S 1064: Head Fragment of Athena

Preserved to base of neck. Back and upper part of head, including the left eye, broken away, nose missing, mouth battered. Helmeted Athena, almost life-size, wearing a simple bead necklace; head turned ... 25 May 1938


[Agora Object] S 1684: Statuette Fragment: Kore

Torso preserved, from neck to below the waist; lower left arm broken off, the right elbow chipped, also some object held at the breast by the right hand. Standing, archaistic kore, wearing thin chiton ... 24 February 1953


[Agora Publication] Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture

Harrison, E. B ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Over 170 catalogued pieces of sculpture from the Athenian Agora are divided into four sections: the genuinely Archaic in date and form, the “archaistic” imitating Archaic originals (late 5th century to ... 1965