[Agora Deposit] F 11:2: Well

Well associated with the Tholos, with scanty use fill but primarily dumped filling. Coins: 5 April 1934 #1-#4 10 April 1934 #1-#2 11 April 1934 #1 12 April 1934 #1 18 April 1934 #1-#2 19 April 1934 #1-#5 ... Ca. 350-294 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 16:1: Demeter Cistern

Cistern at 9/Β (10/Β on plan), at the NW foot of the Areopagus, some 200m to the west of the Coroplast's Dump. It had evidently belonged to one of the small houses in that thickly populated residential ... Second half 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 16:6: Rectangular Shaft

Rectangular shaft at northwest foot of Areopagus; dumped filling of second half of 4th c. B.C. Pit at 16/Δ-Ε recorded one time as an extension of shaft 17/Δ-Ε (see L 506 and nb.p. 395), but items from ... Ca. 325-275 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] F 17:3: Well

Although separated by a sterile rocky fill the two use fillings are apparently one continuous accumulation (GRE). Packing around well includes SS 14261, P 25943-P 25953. These are not given a subdivision ... 350-300 B.C. to ca. 225 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 13:8: Well South of Kolonos Agoraios

A well toward the south end of Kolonos Agoraios. Period of use fill dated to ca. 325-260 B.C. and upper fill dated to ca. 250-225 B.C. in Agora XXX. Diameter 1.10m, water level 6.90m. Kernoi and many lead ... Ca. 325-260 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 18:13: Cistern in Room 12

Cistern in Room 12, House C=House N. Simple flask-shaped chamber with draw shaft, in House M, Room 1; no tunnels. Excavated as single fill, but later analysis of material suggested two fills. Coins: 24 ... 4th. c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 19:3: Pyre in House C

Pyre in House C, Room 8 (RSY=Pyre 6). Near east corner of room 8. Artifacts, burnt bone, burnt sticks, and large cinders in a shallow pit dug into surface of layer 3, and covered by layer 2. Some cinders ... 350-325 B.C.-end of 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 20:7: Well

Grid notation in error as 99/ΚΑ sometimes. A well (diameter 1.20m; diameter inside tiles at bottom 0.85m) in the industrial area west of the Areopagus, at the bottom of the valley, about 10.00m. east of ... 3rd. c. B.C.