[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Temple of Apollo Patroos


Temple of Apollo Patroos Next to the Stoa of Zeus at the south are the remains of a small temple of Apollo Patroos (Fatherly), so-called because he was the father of Ion, founder of the Ionian Greeks, ... Pausanias (Fig. 11). Figure 10 ... (Pausanias 1.3.4) Figure 11

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Military Service


Military Service After the 18-year-old was registered in his deme as a citizen and was approved by the Council, he entered military service as a young conscript (ephebe) with other members of his tribe ... found (11), all discarded ... to the cavalry. 11. (top)

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Metroon


Metroon (Archives) The Metroon served two functions; it was both a sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods and the archive building of the city, a repository of official records (Fig. 19). The present remains ...

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Practice of Ostracism


Ostracism Soon after their victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490 B.C., the Athenians began the practice of ostracism, a form of election designed to curb the power of any rising tyrant ... 0.11 m. Athens, Agora Museum ... have produced over 11

[Agora Webpage] Overview: Photography


Photography A photograph made using the traditional silver halide process is a visual record largely unaltered by the photographer. It is this quality of capturing a mirrored image of the scene that lends ... June 4, 1931, 11 a.m.

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Slaves and Resident Aliens


The Unenfranchised II - Slaves and Resident Aliens Also excluded from political participation were two other large segments of the population: slaves and metics (resident aliens). Slavery was common in ... Athenians 1.10-11). Athenian

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Judiciary and Lawcourts


Judiciary and Lawcourts The lawcourts of Athens, a city notorious throughout Greece for the litigiousness of her citizens, were both numerous and large. Several of these lawcourts were in the immediate ... 11 columns and was

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Athenian Currency


Athenian Currency Many of the specialized administrative boards have left material traces of their activities. Most prolific of these were the moneyers, or Overseers of the Mint. Throughout her history ...