[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: The Council and Magistrates


The Council and the Magistrates Like selection for military service, allotment to the Council was organized according to the division by tribes; 50 members from each tribe acted as a unit in the Council ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Jury


The Jury The jurors for each trial were chosen from a large body of citizens available for jury duty for the period of one year. At the beginning of the year, each juror was given a bronze pinakion, a ... Agora Museum B 822. This ... device (kleroterion). Agora ... There was no easy way to


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 303, p. 282

The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Pottery; Middle Helladic; Shapes; Lids. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Pottery; Middle Helladic; Shapes; Pithoi. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Pottery; ... Agora 13 282 ... Agora 13