[Agora Deposit] F 19:3: Well

Unfinished well, all one fill; solid bedrock at a depth of -2.47m. It contained masses of broken rooftiles and probably was used as a refuse pit after the sack of Athens by Sulla. Twenty-three stamped ... Early 1st c. B.C ... ΓΓ:41/ΝΒ-ΝΓ

[Agora Deposit] F 19:1: Stratified well

Roman Group L. Layer I (cont. 59-64) Pre-Herulian second half of 3rd c. (bottom, 15.95-13.90). Layer II (cont. 42-58) 4th c.-first quarter of 4th c. (11.90-13.90). Layer III (cont. 17-41) -4th c. (10.00 ... Second half 3rd c.-early 5th c. A.D ... III (cont. 17-41) -4th c.


[Agora Deposit] J 8:2: Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)

Mycenaean Grave F. It seemed to be more as a collection of bones and offerings, presumably swept aside to make room for later burials; they are east of and slightly higher than children's graves A and ... Myc. IIIA ... Mycenaean Grave F. It seemed to be more as a collection of bones and offerings,

[Agora Deposit] K 13:1: Pocket

Small pocket with R.F. sherds and terracottas, perhaps thrown up by the diggers of a modern well nearby ... Ca. 375-350 B.C ... Small pocket with R.F. sherds and terracottas, perhaps thrown up by the


[Agora Deposit] J 8:3: Double Pit Grave

Mycenaean Double Grave (Graves A and B). Grave A was in Layer II. We laid a skull and a few other bones, three vases and a stone bead. We have dug to a maximum of about 0.06m below the top of Layer II ... Myc. IIIA/B ... to the north, and a F