[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: History of the Excavations


History of the Excavations Some of the Agora monuments have never been fully buried and were explored by the Archaeological Society starting in the 19th century: the Stoa of Attalos (1859–1862, 1874, and ... History of the Excavations Some of the Agora ... the Stoa of Attalos

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: History of the Agora


History of the Agora The excavations of the Athenian Agora have uncovered about thirty acres on the sloping ground northwest of the Acropolis (Fig. 3). Material of all periods from the Late Neolithic to ... History of the Agora The excavations of the Athenian Agora ... northwest of the Acropolis (Fig.

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Altar of Zeus and Statue of Hadrian


The Altar of Zeus The Agora Excavations began with the aim of revealing the monuments and history of the ancient Agora. Of course, every artifact or feature that was exposed held importance, but when something ... Overview: The Altar of Zeus and Statue of Hadrian

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Church of the Holy Apostles


The Church of the Holy Apostles Though several churches were removed in the clearing of the site for excavation, it was decided to save and restore the little Byzantine church dedicated to the Holy Apostles ... Overview: The Church of the Holy Apostles

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Ekklesia


The Ekklesia (Citizens' Assembly) All Athenian citizens had the right to attend and vote in the Ekklesia, a full popular assembly which met about every 10 days. All decrees (psephismata) were ratified ... west of the Acropolis. In ... represented the collective will of all the male citizens of


[Agora Image] 2004.01.2437 (HAT 72-182)

West side of the Agora. Watercolor by John Travlos ... John Travlos ... southwest ... 1972 ... West side of the Agora. Watercolor by John Travlos.


[Agora Image] 2004.01.0242 (HAT 72-181)

Agora plan of late 4th c. B.C ... John Travlos ... Horizontal (normal) ... 1972 ... Agora plan of late 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Sokrates


Sokrates The philosopher Sokrates was one of many Athenians critical of the people and their control over affairs of state. His probing public debates with fellow citizens led to his trial for impiety ... Athenians critical of the people ... as the political center of Athens, was the scene of many