[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Military Service


Military Service After the 18-year-old was registered in his deme as a citizen and was approved by the Council, he entered military service as a young conscript (ephebe) with other members of his tribe ... fourth century B ... ephebic training 42 years ... century B.C., stamped with

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: State Religion


State Religion: The Archon Basileus There was no attempt in Classical Athens to separate church and state. Altars and shrines were intermingled with the public areas and buildings of the city. A single ... Archon Basileus There was no ... 47S B.C. H.: 0.097 m. Athens, Agora Museum P 42. It

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Prytaneis


The Prytaneis (Executive Committee) The senators administered their meetings themselves. Each tribal contingent in the Boule served in rotation for a period of 35 or 36 days as the Prytaneis, or Executive ... B.C. Model by Petros ... about 470-460 B.C. 9.2 ... no good arrangement

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Tyranny


Tyranny As happened in many other Greek states, a tyrant arose in Athens in the 6th century B.C. His name was Peisistratos, and after several unsuccessful attempts he seized power in 546 B.C. and ruled ... 6th century B.C. His name ... B.C. and ruled until his ... no trouble during his rule