Β 211Cut to South of Metroon; Layer XV E22 April 1935Middle of 6th B.C. 
ΟΕ 157SW Corner of Primitive Bouleuterion From Contemporary Filling To S of Wall I15 April 19387th c. B.C. 
Β 272Third Passa to 56.50 and Preserved Top of Wall C15 February 19357th-early 6th B.C. 
Ζ 270Tholos Trench F; Layer V Above Round Water Pipe15 June 19376th B.C. 
Β 333Fill over Road; Layer II; Red with Tiles22-23 February 19356th-5th B.C. 
Β 334Fill over Road; Layer II; Red with Tiles22-23 February 19356th-5th B.C. 
Ζ 422Tholos Trench P; Layer V25 February 1938Late 6th - Early 5th B.C. 
Ζ 453Tholos Trench S; Layer (a)8 March 1938Late 6th - Early 5th B.C.