[Agora Deposit] D 17:16: Pithos

Pithos in NW corner (room) of Poros Building. Marble chips ... Mid-4th c.?

[Agora Deposit] D 17:17: Pit

Shallow pit in bedrock. NB fragment found in gravel to south of pit (ΟΟ 399=P18633) ... Second quarter 5th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 19:1: Cistern in House H in ΝΝ

Well in the industrial area west of the Areopagus. A flask-shaped cistern in House H with a dumped fill of the late fifth century brought from elsewhere and evidently deposited sometime in the 3rd c. B.C ... Ca. 420-400 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 12:2: Pit

A circular cutting in bedrock ... Late 6th-early 5th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:6: Well H

Upper fill was early Roman dated by AWP to the 1st c. A transitional fill was later assigned to the upper level. Nbp. 2913: The history may have been that the well was cleaned out at the time that it was ... 3rd-2nd century B.C and Roman date.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:6.2: Lower filling

Late 4th to early 3rd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:8: "Boar Lid Hole"

Pit in deep depression in bedrock. Also includes containers from early fill under late Roman floors down to bedrock at 81-83/ΚΗ-ΛΒ. Notebook cites early fill, ca. 6th. c., with some obviously late disturbance ... 7th c. to ca. 575 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:11.2: Fill Behind Retaining Wall and in Road of Southwest Building

Fillings behind retaining wall and in road. SW Building, rooms 3, north, south. Coins: 13 March 1934 #1, #2 14 March 1934 #37 15 March 1934 #37-#38 24 March 1934 #31 ... 6th c. B.C. and earlier