2002.07.0018Road metal (indicated by middle arrow) and trench cut in area near South Wall of Room 1 in Classical Building II. Area to be dug in basket 5a indicated by right arrow; area to be dug in basket 5b indicated by left arrow. [After basket 4; Before basket 5a; Before basket 5b]13 Jun 2002  
2002.07.0019Road metal (indicated by middle arrow) and trench cut in area near South Wall of Room 1 in Classical Building II. Area to be dug in basket 5a indicated by right arrow; area to be dug in basket 5b indicated by left arrow. [After basket 4; Before basket 5a; Before basket 5b]13 Jun 2002  
2002.07.0021Top view of road metal (indicated by middle arrow) and trench cut in area near South Wall of Room 1 in Classical Building II. Area to be dug in basket 5a indicated by right arrow; area to be dug in basket 5b indicated by left arrow. [After basket 4; Before basket 5a; Before basket 5b]13 Jun 2002  
2002.07.0089Trench near South Wall in Room 1 of Classical Building II. Area to be dug in basket 18 indicated by top arrow. Posthole dug in basket 16 indicated by bottom arrow. [After basket 12; After basket 16; Before basket 18]20 Jun 2002