DA 12394Preliminary Study of 2004 Excavation Findings Part of Sections ΒΕ and ΒΖ at End of 2004 Excavation Season.August 2004  
2004.06.0022Plan: Preliminary study of 2004 excavation findings.August 2004  
2012.61.0432 (2004-14-1)Classical Building II, Room I. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0433 (2004-14-2)Area east of the Classical Building II. Archaic cobbled road surface in foreground. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0434 (2004-14-3)Classical Building II, Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0435 (2004-14-4)Classical Building II, Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0436 (2004-14-5)View showing, from bottom to top: Wall L and square modern pit, Wall Y, Room M, Wall G', Roman Room II (right), Roman Room A (center) and Roman Room B (left). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0437 (2004-14-6)Pithos in Room M and square modern pit (bottom left), Roman Room III (right), Roman Room I (center) and Roman Room II (top left). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0438 (2004-14-7)Roman Room I (1) and Roman Room III (2) separated by Wall L. Square modern pit at bottom left. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0439 (2004-14-8)Roman Room III (1), Roman Room I (2), Roman Room II (3), Room M (4) and the oblong tank (5). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0440 (2004-14-9)Roman Room II (1), Roman Room I (2), Roman Room III (3) and oblong tank (4). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0441 (2004-14-10)Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room III (3), Room M (4) and oblong tank (5). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0443 (2004-14-12)Room M (M), Roman Room I (1) and Roman Room III (3). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0444 (2004-15-1)Roman Room B, Well J 2:8 in center and the east-west drain. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0445 (2004-15-2)From front to back: Roman Room B (B), Roman Room A (A) and Roman Room II (2). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0446 (2004-15-3)Across the photograph, north half of the North-South Road (R); Roman Room B (B) at bottom right. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0447 (2004-15-4)Classical Building II, Rooms 1-3 from back to front. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0448 (2004-15-5)North-South Road across center with pressure pipe (P), Wall G (G) to the left, Wall A (A) to the right with drain in road and Byzantine robbing trench (B). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0449 (2004-15-6)North-South Road across center with pressure pipe (P), Wall G (G) to the left, Wall A (A) to the right with drain in road and Byzantine robbing trench (B). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0450 (2004-15-7)In center, Roman threshold block (T); in foreground North-South Road with pressure pipe (P) within road. End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0451 (2004-15-8)End of season. Photo facing south. (R)=North-South Road, (P)=Plaster-lined Tank, (A)=Pit left by Pithos A and removal, (G)=Wall G, (2)=Room 2, (3)=Room 3, (J 2:20)=Tile Floor of Cistern J 2:20, (F)=Foundation Blocks of Ashlar Building.August 2004  
2012.61.0452 (2004-15-9)End of season. Facing southeast. (R)=North-South Road, (H)=Wall H, (2)=Room 2, (3)=Room 3, (G)=Wall G, (A)=Pit left by Pithos A and removal, (P)=Plaster-lined Tank, (F)=Foundations of Ashlar Building, (J 2:20)=Tile Floor of Cistern J 2:20.August 2004  
2012.61.0453 (2004-15-10)In background the North-South Road (R) and Wall G (G). In center foreground, foundation blocks of ashlar building (F), Wall H (H), plaster-lined tank (P), tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 and Room 3 (3). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0454 (2004-15-11)The North-South Road in center (R). In background, Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B). In foreground, Wall G (G), Wall H (H), foundation blocks of ashlar building (F), tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 and Room 3 (3). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0455 (2004-15-12)In foreground, east of the North-South Road (R) and Wall G (G). Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B). End of seasonAugust 2004  
2012.61.0456 (2004-16-1)End of season. Facing south. (R)=North-South Road, (H)=Wall H, (P)=Pressure Pipe in North-South Road, (G)=Wall G, (2)=Room 2, (3)=Room 3, (F)=Foundation Blocks of Ashlar Building.August 2004  
2012.61.0457 (2004-16-2)End of season photo showing Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3), Roman Room A (A). Arrow indicates location of new stone-lined drain. Looking east.August 2004  
2012.61.0458 (2004-16-3)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and area north of Wall k (4). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0459 (2004-16-4)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B) and Room M (M). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0460 (2004-16-5)North-South Road in center (R) with pressure pipe (P). Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A) and Roman room B (B). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0461 (2004-16-6)End of season photo showing Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), and Roman Room B (B), Roman Room I (1), Room M (M). Looking south-southeast.August 2004  
2012.61.0462 (2004-16-7)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and area north of Wall k (4). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0463 (2004-16-8)End of season photo showing Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), and Roman Room B (B), Roman Room I (1), Room M (M). Looking south-southeast.August 2004  
2012.61.0464 (2004-16-9)Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room III (3), Room M (M) and area north of Wall K (4). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0465 (2004-16-10)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3). Area north of Wall K (4). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0466 (2004-16-11)In center, Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and Roman Room II (2). In background, Room M (M); in foreground, Pithos C (C) and oblong tank (O). End of seasonAugust 2004  
2012.61.0467 (2004-16-12)From left to right, Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), and Roman Room III (3). Room M (M) and tile floor (T). End of season.August 2004  
2012.61.0468 (2004-17-1)Roman Room I at bottom left, Room M at top left, Roman Room II at center and Roman Room A at center top. End of seasonAugust 2004  
2012.61.0469 (2004-17-2)Looking northeast from buttress. Byzantine Room E at lower left, ashy area in foreground, Room A at upper right.August 2004  
2012.61.0470 (2004-17-3)ΒΗ from basement wall, looking southeast. Byzantine Room E at lower right, cutting for modern pit at left, ash pit area in middle ground.August 2004  
2012.61.0471 (2004-17-4)ΒΗ from basement wall, looking southeast. Byzantine Room E at lower right, cutting for modern pit at left, ash pit area in middle ground.August 2004  
2012.61.0472 (2004-17-5)Looking south. Byzantine Room D with pithos rim at left, Room C in shadow; Room A with Drain 2, center. At right, Room B with curving wall; Ash pit and modern pit at lower right.August 2004  
2012.61.0473 (2004-17-6)Looking southwest form Hastings St. Modern wall and pit at lower right, Byzantine Room A at lower left. Ash pits in center. Room E at upper right.August 2004  
2012.61.0474 (2004-17-7)Clockwise from lower left: Byzantine Room B with bothros wall, Wall 1, hearth/ash-pit area, Wall 6, Byzantine Room E, Wall 11, robbing trench, modern wall and modern pit. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0007 (2004-14-01)Classical Building II, Room I. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0008 (2004-14-10)Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room III (3), Room M (4) and oblong tank (5). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0009 (2004-14-12)Room M (M), Roman Room I (1) and Roman Room III (3). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0010 (2004-14-02)Area east of the Classical Building II. Archaic cobbled road surface in foreground. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0011 (2004-14-03)Classical Building II, Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0012 (2004-14-04)Classical Building II, Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0013 (2004-14-05)View showing, from bottom to top: Wall L and square modern pit, Wall Y, Room M, Wall G', Roman Room II (right), Roman Room A (center) and Roman Room B (left). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0014 (2004-14-06)Pithos in Room M and square modern pit (bottom left), Roman Room III (right), Roman Room I (center) and Roman Room II (top left). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0015 (2004-14-07)Roman Room I (1) and Roman Room III (2) separated by Wall L. Square modern pit at bottom left. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0016 (2004-14-08)Roman Room III (1), Roman Room I (2), Roman Room II (3), Room M (4) and the oblong tank (5). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0017 (2004-14-09)Roman Room II (1), Roman Room I (2), Roman Room III (3) and oblong tank (4). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0018 (2004-15-01)Roman Room B, Well J 2:8 in center and the east-west drain. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0019 (2004-15-10)In background the North-South Road (R) and Wall G (G). In center foreground, foundation blocks of ashlar building (F), Wall H (H), plaster-lined tank (P), tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 and Room 3 (3). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0020 (2004-15-11)The North-South Road in center (R). In background, Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B). In foreground, Wall G (G), Wall H (H), foundation blocks of ashlar building (F), tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 and Room 3 (3). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0021 (2004-15-12)In foreground, east of the North-South Road (R) and Wall G (G). Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0022 (2004-15-02)From front to back: Roman Room B (B), Roman Room A (A) and Roman Room II (2). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0023 (2004-15-03)Across the photograph, north half of the North-South Road (R); Roman Room B (B) at bottom right. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0024 (2004-15-04)Classical Building II, Rooms 1-3 from back to front. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0025 (2004-15-05)North-South Road across center with pressure pipe (P), Wall G (G) to the left, Wall A (A) to the right with drain in road and Byzantine robbing trench (B). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0026 (2004-15-07)In center, Roman threshold block (T); in foreground North-South Road with pressure pipe (P) within road. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0027 (2004-15-08)North-South Road (R) at upper left corner, Wall G (G), foundations blocks of ashlar building (F), plaster-lined tank (P), Room 2 (2), Room 3 (3) and tile floor of Cistern J 2:20. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0028 (2004-15-09)North-South Road (R) at upper left corner, Wall G (G), foundations blocks of ashlar building (F), Wall H (H), Room 2 (2), Room 3 (3) and tile floor of Cistern J 2:20. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0029 (2004-16-01)North-South Road (R) at center left with pressure pipe (P) within road, Wall G (G); at right, Wall H (H), Room 2 (2) and Room 3 (3). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0030 (2004-16-10)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3). Area north of Wall K (4). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0031 (2004-16-11)In center, Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and Roman Room II (2). In background, Room M (M); in foreground, Pithos C (C) and oblong tank (O). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0032 (2004-16-12)From left to right, Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), and Roman Room III (3). Room M (M) and tile floor (T). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0033 (2004-16-02)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and Roman Room A (A). In foreground, new stone-lined drain. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0034 (2004-16-03)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room I (1), Roman Room III (3) and area north of Wall k (4). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0035 (2004-16-04)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B) and Room M (M). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0036 (2004-16-05)North-South Road in center (R) with pressure pipe (P). Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A) and Roman room B (B). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0037 (2004-16-08)Roman Room II (2), Roman Room A (A), Roman Room B (B), Roman Room I (1), Room M (M). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0038 (2004-16-09)Roman Room I (1), Roman Room II (2), Roman Room III (3), Room M (M) and area north of Wall K (4). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0039 (2004-17-01)Roman Room I at bottom left, Room M at top left, Roman Room II at center and Roman Room A at center top. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0040 (2004-17-02)Looking from the buttress. Byzantine Room E at lower left, ashy area in foreground, Room A at upper right. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0041 (2004-17-03)Modern pit and wall, robbing trench, Byzantine Rooms A, B, C, D, and E and hearth/ash-pit area. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0042 (2004-17-05)Byzantine Rooms A, B, C and D clockwise from center. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0043 (2004-17-06)Byzantine Rooms A, B and E, hearth/ash-pit area, modern pit, modern wall and robbing trench. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0044 (2004-17-07)Clockwise from lower left: Byzantine Room B with bothros wall, Wall 1, hearth/ash-pit area, Wall 6, Byzantine Room E, Wall 11, robbing trench, modern wall and modern pit. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0100 (Slide Sheet: 84:01)North-South Road in center with pressure pipe. At left of the road, Roman Room A and Roman Room B. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0101 (Slide Sheet: 84:10)Classical Building II, Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0102 (Slide Sheet: 84:11)Area east of the Classical Building II. Archaic cobbled road surface in foreground. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0103 (Slide Sheet: 84:12)Classical Building II, Room 2. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0104 (Slide Sheet: 84:13)Classical Building II, Room 1. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0105 (Slide Sheet: 84:14)Pithos in Room M and square modern pit (bottom left), Roman Room III (right), Roman Room I (center) and Roman Room II (top left). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0106 (Slide Sheet: 84:15)View showing, from bottom to top: Wall L and square modern pit, Wall Y, Room M, Wall G', Roman Room II (right), Roman Room A (center) and Roman Room B (left). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0107 (Slide Sheet: 84:16)Pithos in Room M and square modern pit (bottom left), Roman Room III (right), Roman Room I (center) and Roman Room II (top left). End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0108 (Slide Sheet: 84:17)Roman Rooms I, II, III and oblong tank. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0109 (Slide Sheet: 84:18)Across the photograph, north half of the North-South Road (R); Roman Room B (B) at bottom right. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0110 (Slide Sheet: 84:19)From front to back: Roman Room B, Roman Room A and Roman Room II. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0111 (Slide Sheet: 84:02)Roman Rooms I, II, III and area north of Wall K. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0112 (Slide Sheet: 84:20)Roman Room B, Well J 2:8 in center and the east-west drain. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0113Roman Room II; Roman Rooms A and B and Room M. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0114 (Slide Sheet: 84:05)In center, Roman Room I, Roman Room III and Roman Room II. In background, Room M; in foreground, Pithos C and oblong tank. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0115From left to right, Roman Room III, Roman Room I, and Roman Room III. Room M and tile floor. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0116 (Slide Sheet: 84:07)Roman Rooms I and II, Roman Rooms A and B (B) and Room M. End of season.August 2004  
2005.05.0117 (Slide Sheet: 84:08)View showing, from bottom to top: Wall L and square modern pit, Wall Y, Room M, Wall G', Roman Room II (right), Roman Room A (center) and Roman Room B (left). End of season.August 2004