
[Agora Image] 2009.03.0697 (Section ΠΠ 163)

Roman portrait head (S 1299) in situ ... Scanned 2005 for the 75th anniversary exhibition and publication. 582 Horizontal (normal) ... 8 Aug 1947


[Agora Image] 2009.03.0698 (Section ΠΠ 164)

Roman portrait head (S 1299) in situ ... Scanned 2005 for the 75th anniversary exhibition and publication. 581 Horizontal (normal) ... 8 Aug 1947


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-41-66 (pp. 8122-8123)

Great Drain Under Bath. Page References. Fill. Drain. Analysis of Coins from Sand ... ΝΝ-41 8122, 8123 A-B 19-20:1 C 18:14.2 C 18:14.1 ... 229-30 B.C.


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-44-59

Well at 72/ΙΑ; Fill 3. Well. Well at 72/ΙΑ; Fill 1. Pit at 72/ΙΑ in House H Room 10. Fill Behind Well-Tiles at mouth of Drain Tunnel. Pit at 72/ΙΑ, in House H Room 10; Fill of Pit to Drain Tunnel Floor ... ΝΝ-44 ΝΝ 4077 P 18993 ΝΝ 4205 MC 752 ΝΝ 4206 L 4415 ΝΝ 4207 P 19129 ΝΝ 4208 P 19130 ΝΝ 4209 P 19131 ΝΝ 4210 P 19132 ΝΝ 4211 P 19133 ΝΝ 4212 P 19134 ΝΝ 4213 P 19135 Lot ΝΝ 474 Lot ΝΝ 475 Lot ΝΝ 476 Lot ... Late 5th B.C.


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-44-61

Poros Enclosure; Outside to South; Brown and Dry bedrock; Over North Wall of House S; Layer 1. Poros Enclosure; Outside to South; Red Sandy; Layer 3. House S; Pit Under Floor. Well at 79/Μ in Court (Room ... ΝΝ-44 ΝΝ 4303 L 4495 ΝΝ 5405 P 34744 ΝΝ 5406 P 34745 ΝΝ 5407 P 34746 ΝΝ 5408 P 34747 ΝΝ 5409 P 34748 ΝΝ 5410 P 34749 ΝΝ 4344 P 19386 ΝΝ 4345 P 19387 ΝΝ:1947.0422:1 ΝΝ:1947.0422:2 ΝΝ:1947.0423:1 Lot ΝΝ ... 5th B.C.


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-44-79

Under Strosis North of Tile drain; Loose Brown Fill. Pit Beside West Basin; Brown; Marble Chips; Gravel. Marble Chip Fill; Over East End of Latrine System. Wall at 67; South Wall of House R: Marble Chips ... ΝΝ-44 ΝΝ 4445 T 2657 ΝΝ 4446 T 2658 ΝΝ 4447 P 19552 ΝΝ 4448 P 19553 ΝΝ 3422 T 2434 ΝΝ 4449 P 19554 ΝΝ 3540 ST 407 Lot ΝΝ 644 Lot ΝΝ 645 Lot ΝΝ 646 Lot ΝΝ 647 Lot ΝΝ 648 Lot ΝΝ 649 Lot ΝΝ 650 Lot ΝΝ 651 ... 5th-4th B.C.


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-44-87

Late Roman Water Channel 2; 73-76; Fill under Floor. Late Roman Water Channel 2; Fine Sand Fill under Level of Channel. Post-Sullan Drain - Late Roman Water Channel 1; Green Sand in Bottom of Late Roman ... ΝΝ-44 ΝΝ 4760 P 19673 ΝΝ 3359 P 18332 ΝΝ 4744 P 19665 Lot ΝΝ 713 Lot ΝΝ 714 Lot ΝΝ 715 Lot ΝΝ 716 Lot ΝΝ 717 Lot ΝΝ 718 Lot ΝΝ 719 Lot ΝΝ 720 A-B 19-20:1 C 18:10 ... Roman


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-33-53 (pp. 6496-6497)

Beginning of Bottom Fill. Well. Storage: Upper Fill. Storage: Lower Fill ... ΝΝ-33 6496, 6497 P 18407 P 18408 P 18409 P 18481 P 18495 ΝΝ 3878 P 18800 ΝΝ 3879 P 18801 Lot ΝΝ 414 Lot ΝΝ 416 Lot ΝΝ 417 Lot ΝΝ 418 Lot ΝΝ 415 B 19:11 ... Late 5th