"UserLevel","Id","Chronology","Collection","Title","Date","Type","Icon","Name" "","Agora:Image:2007.04.0007","","Agora","Selection of pottery from Pyre, deposit J 2:9.; Upper row from left to right: P 32608, plate; P 32597, black glaze kantharos; L 5596, lamp.; Bottom row from left to right: P 32602, P 32603, P 32604, P 32620, saucers; P 32601, chytra; P 32605, P 32622, saucers; P 32619, lopadion with lid.","1996","Image","Agora:Image:2007.04.0007::/Agora/2007/2007.04/2007.04.0007.tif::2028::1290","2007.04.0007 (96-64-24)"