[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Temple of Ares


Temple of Ares Just north of the Odeion lie the ruins of a building identified by Pausanias as a temple of Ares (Figs. 56, 57). The foundations are of Early Roman construction and date, but the marble ... AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Temple of Ares

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Political Organization of Attica


Political Organization of Attica: Demes and Tribal Representation Each tribe was divided into three parts, and each third (trittys) was from one of the three regions of Attica, plain, coast, or hills ... Birth of Democracy: Political Organization of Attica

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Practice of Ostracism


Ostracism Soon after their victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490 B.C., the Athenians began the practice of ostracism, a form of election designed to curb the power of any rising tyrant ... Persians at the battle of ... Athenians began the practice of ostracism, a form of election

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Altar of Zeus and Statue of Hadrian


The Altar of Zeus The Agora Excavations began with the aim of revealing the monuments and history of the ancient Agora. Of course, every artifact or feature that was exposed held importance, but when something ... background are the steps of the ... The Altar of Zeus The ... the aim of revealing the

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Verdict


The Verdict After the speeches and other evidence had been presented, the members of the jury voted by casting ballots. A series of vase paintings of the early 5th century B.C. show a mythological story, ... Birth of Democracy: The Verdict

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Church of the Holy Apostles


Church of the Holy Apostles Several churches were removed following the excavation of the modern neighborhoods overlying the Agora. The Church of the Holy Apostles, because of its early date, was deemed ... AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Church of the Holy Apostles

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Theater


Theater Western drama was an Athenian invention which developed late in the 6th century B.C. out of the festivals celebrated in honor of the god Dionysos. Originally held in the Agora, the plays were soon ... Birth of Democracy: Theater

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Factional Politics


Factional Politics: The Ostracism of Themistokles A group of ostraka found together in a pit on the North Slope of the Acropolis is of special interest. There were 190 ostraka, mostly the round feet of ... Birth of Democracy: Factional Politics