
[Agora Publication] Greek Lamps and Their Survivals

Howland, R. H ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The author has used the trustworthy chronological data supplied by the scientific excavation of “closed deposits” at the Athenian Agora to build a continuous series of lamp types from the 7th century B.C ... 1958


[Agora Publication] Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th and 4th Centuries B.C.

Sparkes, B. A. Tallcott, L ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... This massive (two-part) volume focuses on pottery produced between 600 and 300 B.C. with Sparkes discussing the black glaze and Talcott the domestic (household and kitchen) wares of the period. Over 2,040 ... 1970


[Agora Publication] Attic Black-Figured Pottery

Moore, M. B. Philippides, M. Z. P ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... This volume is the first of the Athenian Agora reports to deal specifically with figured wares; it is concerned with the black-figured pottery found in the excavations in the Athenian Agora between 1931 ... 1986


[Agora Publication] Attic Red-Figured and White-Ground Pottery

Moore, M. B ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... This volume presents the inventoried red-figure and white-ground pottery found in the Agora Excavations between 1931 and 1967. Although many of these vases have already been published in various reports ... 1997

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 8 10.2307_146450 10.2307_146451 10.2307_146452 10.2307_146453 10.2307_146454 10.2307_146493 10.2307_146494 10.2307_146495 10.2307_146496 10.2307_146585 10.2307_146586 10.2307_146587 10.2307_146588 ... 1939

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 62 10.2307_148148 10.2307_148149 10.2307_148150 10.2307_148151 10.2307_148152 10.2307_148153 10.2307_148188 10.2307_148189 10.2307_148190 10.2307_148191 10.2307_148192 10.2307_148193 10.2307_148194 ... 1993

[Agora Publication] The Symposium in Context. Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora

Lynch, K. M ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia Supplement 46 978-0-87661-546-1 ... 2011


[Agora Object] A 3811: Ship's Eye Fragment

Broken at both ends and one side. A thin slab of marble, its top surrounded by a low, raised border 0.03 wide. Round hole, much worn, in middle. Smooth finish on top, rough-tooled on underside; edges finished ... 1 May 1938

[Agora Object] L 3369: Lamp

No handle. Bottom slightly concave. Black glaze on broad nearly flat rim, on inside and on nozzle. Outside reserved with thin glaze wash. Type II of Corinth collection, type 16B of Agora collection ... Ca. 525-480 B.C.

[Agora Object] L 3370: Lamp

Nozzle missing and chips. Flat bottom, very broad rim, broadly projecting. No handle. Black glaze, worn and mottled, over all. Type II of Corinth collection, type 16B of Agora collection. Cf. Agora IV, ... 4 May 1938


[Agora Object] L 3371: Lamp

Horizontal handle broken away; otherwise intact. Bottom rises to point in center of floor; sharply convex sides, overhanging rim. Small nozzle with large filling hole, encroaching considerably on rim ... Late years of 6th c. - ca. 480 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 3372: Lamp

Intact. Very shallow lamp on flat bottom. Sharply convex sides. Broad flat top. Narrow raised band around filling hole. Large nozzle encroaching but little on top. Red to black glaze inside, for the band ... 500-450 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 3373: Lamp

A hollow cone at the center of the floor. Rim nearly flat. Nozzle, encroaching slightly on rim, is tilted up. Uneven black glaze on inside, rim and nozzle. Underside, dilute glaze wash. Type III (plain ... 525-ca. 480 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 3374: Two Nozzle Lamp

One nozzle missing, and fragment of rim and wall. Rounded bottom, hollow cone at corner of floor. Narrow down sloping rim, up-tilted nozzles opposite one another. Indifferent red to black glaze, on inside, ... 525-ca. 480 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 3413: Lamp

Handle, most of nozzle and fragments of body and rim missing. Very low raised base, slightly concave. Shallow type with rounded walls and broad slightly down-sloping rim. Horizontal band handle. Red glaze ... Last years of 6th c.-ca. 480 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 3414: Lamp

Much of handle missing, and chips. Flat bottom, slightly concave. Shallow body with rounded sides. A heavy raised ring around the central opening. Horizontal band handle. Top, nozzle, inside and handle ... 5 May 1938

[Agora Object] L 3415: Lamp

Nozzle and handle missing, and chips. Small bottom flat beneath, rising to a cone at the center inside. Angular body. Broadly projecting rim. Rolled horizontal handle. Black glaze except for handle space ... Publication: last years of 6th c. -ca. 480 B.C.

[Agora Object] L 3416: Lamp Fragment

Fragment preserving most of floor and a small piece of wall and rim. Bottom rises to hollow cone in center of floor. Rim slopes sharply inward. Black glaze on floor and rim, thin wash on exterior. Type ... 525-ca. 480 B.C.

[Agora Object] P 12538: Black Glaze Oinochoe

Intact. Flat bottom; ovoid body; trefoil mouth; handle round in section. Dull black glaze that stops a little short of the base. ADDENDA Noted in Rhodes, Camiros, tomb 149, no. 13179, another very similar ... 28 April 1938

[Agora Object] P 12539: Black Glaze Hydria

Complete except for part of one horizontal handle and chips. Broad projecting ring base; ovoid body; shoulder and neck form continuous curve; projecting lip, flat on top. Dull black glaze, carelessly ... 2 May 1938