
[Agora Object] T 4096: Mold Fragment for Female Protome

Broken on three sides. Part of one side, front and back preserved. Some of front surface and most of back surface gone. Mended. Mold represents folds of drapery presumably hanging vertically. Back smoothed; ... 29 June 1973


[Agora Object] T 4145: Figurine Fragment

Broken on three sides. One edge, front and back preserved. Subject not clear: looks like a fold of drapery falling to bottom edge of a plaque. Could possibly be a mould. Back surface gone. Yellowish-pink ... 2 August 1973


[Agora Object] T 4066: Mold Fragment for Draped Female Figurine

Broken on three sides. Bottom, front and back preserved. Looks as if the break on one side occurs very near the original edge. Mold for upper torso of draped female figure with right arm bent at elbow ... 6 August 1973


[Agora Object] T 4068: Mold Fragmenr for Figurine: Drapery

One side, front and back preserved. Part of mold preserved is for folds of drapery falling vertically possibly hanging free along right side of a figure no longer preserved. Fabric pinkish-yellow with ... 6 August 1973


[Agora Object] T 4069: Mold Fragment for Head

Mold for upper part of frontal head wearing crown. Part of mold for right eye, small section of nose, parts of hair and crown preserved. Upper edge, front, back preserved. Mold rough on outside. Fabric ... 6 August 1973