[Agora Object] PNP 1: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. head of youth, right, he wears fillet. Maeander border. A. Parts of two legs, right. No relief contour; white for the boy's fillet. Assembly Place, filling of Period III, Trench Α. 264 ... 16 January 1931

[Agora Object] PNP 2: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. Upper part of woman in chiton, right. Border of two reserved lines. A. Feet and lower legs of a man wearing boots, left; lower part of a woman wearing a peplos, left; part of handle ornament. Below, ... 1930-1931

[Agora Object] PNP 3: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. Lyre player, seated left; stopped meander border. A. Part of handle palmette. Relief contours for the arm and the lyre. Trench Α ... 16 December 1930

[Agora Object] PNP 4: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. Parts of two figures: at the right, a woman standing, head to left, holding a chest. She wears a chiton and himation. Her hair falls in curls on her shoulders. At the left, a youth wearing a very short ... 21 January 1931


[Agora Object] PNP 5: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. On a), head of the satyr, right. Maeander border broken by checkerboard square. On b) part of the border. A. a) Part of a handle-palmette, and of a figure with drapery; b) part of a himation-clad figure ... 1930-31 15 January 1931

[Agora Object] PNP 6: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

A. Part of a woman, in peplo with embroidered bodice, right, looking back left. She holds a mirror in her left hand. Hair in saccos (?). No relief contour. Trench A. 405 ... 20 February 1931

[Agora Object] PNP 7: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

A. The lower part of a draped figure running left, the person wears shoes? At the right, remains of handle-ornament (?). Relief contour for the handle-ornament only. Assembly Place, Filling Period III ... 1931

[Agora Object] PNP 8: Red Figure Kylix Fragment

I. Part of a female figure, seated right, her left arm raised; she wears a thing chiton with embroidered bodice. A. Bit of handle-palmette. [no photo] No relief contour but a single relief stroke at ... 20 December 1930