
[Agora Object] P 5300: Black Figure Amphora Fragments

a) Mended from four pieces. From amphora, or hydria, with a panel. Man with drawn sword, scabbard at his side pursuing another man (or woman) to right, brandishing the sword. Purple red added for face ... 5 April 1935


[Agora Object] P 3703: Black Figure Amphora Fragment

From the wall of a large amphora; broken all around. Parts of two lions facing one another with a solid rosette between. They stand on a black line. The black ground below is bordered b y two purple lines ... 25 April 1934, 21 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 289: Black Figure Amphora Fragment

Mended from six pieces. Creature faced right; wing and tail preserved, with bit of back of neck. Upper left corner of fragment shows edge of some other ornament or perhaps edge of panel. Two vertical stripes ... 1 March 1932


[Agora Object] P 12496: Black Figure Amphora Fragment

Broken all around. Fragment from the top of panel of amphora, type B. Head of a man right and some of the mane and neck of the horse he is riding. At left of fragment, part of a rosette with incision ... 20 April 1938


[Agora Object] P 22532: Black Figure Amphora Fragment

Three joining fragments preserve the neck, both handles, much of one panel and the top of that on the other side. Amphora shape B. A) Siren, right. B) Lion, right. Diagonal zigzags on upper face of rim ... 16 July 1952


[Agora Object] P 22840: Black Figure Amphora Fragment

From upper part of body of a sizable closed pot, amphora(?). Head and body of warrior, left. Corselet and face red. Crest of helmet in outline. Upper layers, Hellenistic fill with much archaic and geometric ... March 1953


[Agora Publication] Attic Black-Figured Pottery

Moore, M. B. Philippides, M. Z. P ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... This volume is the first of the Athenian Agora reports to deal specifically with figured wares; it is concerned with the black-figured pottery found in the excavations in the Athenian Agora between 1931 ... 1986