B 13:5Well1 June 1936 19-27 April 1937Ca. 425-400 B.C. 
D 17:6Filling14-15 June 1949Ca. 400-375 B.C. 
G 18:1Well17 May-14 June 1939 11-20 March 1940Ca. 425-400 B.C. and earlier 
H 19:1Rockcut Pit2-24 May 1939Ca. 410-250 B.C. 
L 17:6Aischines Street Cistern: North ChamberAugust 1957Ca. 375-350 B.C. 
M 20:3WellMarch 1937420-400 B.C. 
P 8:2Trench5 June 1951Ca. 450-425 B.C. and shortly after 
Q 15:2Well to the North of Nymphaeum8-29 April 1954 20 June 1954Ca. 420-400 B.C. 
S 16:1Well27 May-2 June 1968Ca. 425-400 B.C.