[Agora Deposit] M 20:3: Well

Well at 69/ΟΒ (Late 5th c.) Lower fill dated to 420-400 B.C. in Agora XXX. There were no use filling and the well was apparently not a success as a water-supply: there was no concentration of water-jars ... 420-400 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] A 18-19:1: Ostrakon Area

Pit (6x10) in the valley between the Areopagus and the Hill of the Nymphs. Large cutting in bedrock with 540 ostraka, mainly of the late eighties of the 5th. c. B. C. Much pottery, principally of the early ... Ca. 500-450 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] A-B 21-22:1: Terrace fillings

West Terrace, South End, Layers IV and V. Heavy dumped filling associated with terrace walls at the extreme south end of the excavations in the Areopagus industrial area. The proportion of figured and ... Ca. 420-390 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 6:3: Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft

A cave-in not long after the digging of this shaft destroyed its possible usefulness as a well and thereafter it was used as a dump. Two principle periods of such use were noted, and within these several ... Ca. 575-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H 19:1: Rockcut Pit

Dimensions 2.86x1.50x0.70m in depth; stratified fill in rockcut pit (three rockcut steps leading down at one end) which apparently served as a rubbish dump (pottery fragments with carbon and ash). Coins: ... Ca. 410-250 B.C.