
[Agora Notebook Page] Κ-22-6 (pp. 4299-4300)

Monuments. Great Poros Aqueduct. Poros Gutter. Ancient House Walls. Hieron with Horos. Square 5th B.C. Water Basin. Roman Water System. Byzantine Pithoi. Trenches. Trench I. Trench I; Plan; Upper Level ... Κ-22 4299, 4300


[Agora Notebook Page] Κ-22-8 (pp. 4303-4304)

Bibliography. Agora Annual Excavation Summaries, 1965, 1960, 1953, 1934. Hesperia XXV, 1956, pp. 47-57. H.A.T. Ms "Theseus and the Athenians". Program for Season; July-August 1966 ... Κ-22 4303, 4304 ... July-August 1966