Hesperia 17, 1948, p. 182, pl. LXII
Hesperia 28, 1959, pp. 106-108, fig. 2, pl. 22,d
fig. 7
 3rd A.D. 
The Neolithic Period; Introduction; Pottery; Decoration
The Neolithic Period; Introduction; Pottery; Affinities
D.S., pls. 10, 30 (B 3β)
Orchomenos, II, pl. II, 3
Weinberg, Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 502, note 2
Naissance, II, fig. 840
D.S., pl. 10 and pl. 22
Hesperia, 28, 1959, p. 205, pl. 41,b
Troy, I, Tyoe C34, pp. 72, 102, fig. 230 (35.539)
There, pls. VIII, 114, IX, 506, 201, XII, 126, 63, 115
Cyclades, figs. 86-87, 88
P.T., pp. 13, 87-90, figs. 40, 41, 42, b-d
Weinberg, Aegean Chronology: Neolithic Period and Bronze Age, A.J.A., LI, 1947, pp. 165-182
C.A.H., I. Ch. X, pp. 16-19, 34-35
Holmberg, Neon. Pot., pp. 15-16, 34-36
P.T., pp. 87, 89, figs. 40, a, 42, c
P.T., p. 87, fig. 40, b
The Athenian Agora; Volume 26; The Greek Coins; Athenian Bronze Coins; Appendix B; Unstruck Blanks and the Mints of the Agora
H.A. Thompson, Excavations in the Athenian Agora:1953, Hesperia 23, 1954 (pp. 31-67), pp. 45-48
H.A. Thompson, Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1954, Hesperia 24, 1955 (pp. 50-71), p. 59
H.A. Thompson, Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1959, Hesperia 29, 1960 (pp. 327-368), pp. 343-344
A. Frantz, The Church of the Holy Apostles (The Athenian Agora 20), Princeton 1971, p. 3, pls. 2:b, 28
Agora 14, pp. 78-79
Camp, pp. 128-130, figs. 107, 108
Guide⁴, pp. 162-163, figs. 106, 107
Agora 3, pp. 160-161
B.D. Meritt, Greek Inscriptions, Hesperia 32, 1963 (pp. 1-56), pp. 31-32, no. 29
Camp, p. 129
Thompson, 1954, pp. 46-47, pl. 14:b
M. Lang, The Athenian Citizen [Excavations of the Athenian Agora Picture Book 4], Princeton 1960, fig. 13
Agora 14, pl. 33:c
Guide³, fig. 78
GRC, fig. 3
Thompson, 1955, p. 59
Pausanias, I, 15, 1
Agora, 003, no. 301, pp. 103-105
Thucydides, VI, 27, 1
Pausanias, I, 24, 3
E.B. Harrison, Agora, 011, pp. 108-176
Jacoby, F.G.H., IIIB, 270, 2, p. 232
Agora, 003, pp. 105-106
E.B. Harrison, Agora, 011, no. 156
Hesperia, 21, 1952, p. 96
Hesperia, 28, 1959, p. 8
Hesperia, 21, 1952, p. 102
Hesperia, 29, 1960, pp. 36-37
Iuppiter Tragoedus, 33
Agora, 003, pp. 102ff
Jacoby, F.G.H., IIIB, no. 328, 31
Agora, 003, no. 298, pp. 102-103
Agora, 011, p. 112
J.M. Edmonds, Fragments of Attic Comedy, II, Leiden, 1959, p. 362, no. 4
Agora, 003, no. 303, p. 105
Xenophon, Hipparchicus, III, 2
Agora, 003, no. 203, pp. 78, 108
I.G., II², 3130
Agora, 003 p. 105
Hesperia, 40, 1971, pp. 271-272, pl. 57, c
Travlos, P.D.A., p. 18
N. Pharaklas, Δελτ., XXIV, 1969, A', pp. 66-73