Agora 8, s. 144, p. 130Well
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 114-115
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 141-143
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 115-117
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 125-127
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 143-146
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 128-131
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 413-413
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 292, fig. 15
Hesperia, XXV, 1956, pp. 57-61
Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 39
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 322-346
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 414-416
Howland, Greek Lamps, p. 243
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 346-358
Howland, Greek Lamps, p. 244
 Late 8th B.C.
2nd-3rd quarter of 7th B.C.
Later 8th-Early 7th B.C.
Later 8th B.C.
Later 8th into 7th B.C.
5th B.C.
1st quarter of 6th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
2nd quarter into beginning of 3rd quarter of 6th B.C.
End of 1st into beginning of 2nd quarter of 6th B.C.
6th-4th B.C.
7th-Early 6th B.C.
Middle of 6th B.C.
3rd quarter of 7th B.C.
Late 7th-1st quarter of 6th B.C.
Agora 8, s. 145, p. 131Well
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 136-141
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 117-125
Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 50-51
Howland, Greek Lamps, p. 245
Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 374-379
 2nd half of 8th-Early 7th B.C.
2nd half of 7th B.C.
4th quarter of 8th B.C.
2nd half of 8th B.C.
Later 8th B.C.
480-479 B.C.
Late 8th-2nd quarter of 7th B.C.
1st half of 6th B.C.
1st half of 7th B.C.
1st-2nd quarter of 6th B.C.
2nd half of 6th B.C.
2nd quarter of 7th B.C.
Later 8th to mid 7th B.C.
Latter part of 7th B.C.
6th B.C.
4th quarter of 6th B.C.
Late 6th B.C.
Agora 13, s. 53, p. 32Well
Anat. St., XI, 1961, p.111, 140-141, fig. 15, 24
Anat. St., XI, 1961, p.111
Troy, I, fig. 243, 25, shape A 6
Weinberg, Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 508, fig. 23, g
Holmberg, Neol. Pot., pp. 26-27
David French, Anat. St., XI, 1961, pp. 102, 124, fig. 5, 26-49
Hesperia, 6, 1937, pp. 540f., figs. 1, c, d, 2, a, b, d
 Middle-Late Neolithic
Late Neolithic
Middle Neolithic
Agora 29.1, s. 375, p. 336Cistern
H.A. Thompson, 1934, C 4, p. 347, fig. 28
M. Thompson, 1961
 150-50 B.C.
110 B.C.
225-175 B.C.
110-100 B.C.
200-175 B.C.
175 B.C.
275 B.C.
175-150 B.C.
150-100 B.C.
Agora 6, s. 11, p. xiAbbreviations
Agora I, E.B. Harrison, Portrait Sculpture, Princeton, 1953
Agora III, R. E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, Princeton, 1957
Agora V, V. H. S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology, Princeton, 1959
Agora VII, J. Perlzweig, Lamps of the Roman Period, Princeton, 1961
R. Stillwell (Ed.), Antioch on the Orontes, III, The Excavations 1937-1939, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1941
M. Bieber, The History if the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1939
M. Bieber, The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age, New York, 1955
E. Breccia, Monuments de l' Egypte greco-romaine, II: Terracotta figurate greche e greco-egizie del Museo di Alessandria, 1, Bergamo, 1940; 2, Bergamo, 1934
N. Breitenstein, Danish National Museum, Department of Oriental and Classical Antiquities. Catalogue of Terracottas, Cypriote, Greek, Etruscan, Italian and Roman, Copenhagen, 1941
A. de Ridder, Les bronzes antiques du Louvre, Paris, 1913
D. Burr (D.B. Thompson), Terracottas from Myrina in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Vienna, 1934
F. Chapouthier, Les Dioscures au service d'une deesse, Paris, 1935
C. Pharr (Ed.), The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions, Princeton, 1952
G. R. Davidson, Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects, Princeton, 1952
F. Cumont, Reserches sur le symbolisme funeraire des Romains, Paris, 1942
P. Perdrizet, Fouilles de Delphes, V, Monuments figures, petit bronzes, terres suites, antiquités diverses, Paris, 1908
W. Deonna, De Telesphore au moine bourru, Dieux, genies et demons encapuchonnes. Latomus, XXI, Berchem-Brussels, 1955
C.C. Edgar, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Greek Moulds, Cairo, 1903
Forschungen in Ephesos, Band IV, Heft 2, Das Cometerium der Sieben Schlafer, Vienna, 1937
A. Garcia y Bellido, Esculturas romanas de Espana y Portugal, Madrid, 1949
P. Graindor, Terres cuites de l'Egypte greco-romaine, Antwerp, 1939
R. Herbig, Pan, der griechische Bocksgott, Frankfurt am Main, 1949
F. Hettner, Drei Tempelbezirke im Treverlande, Trier, 1901
J.H. Lliffe, Imperial Art in Transjordan: Figurines and Lamps from a Potter's Store at Jerash, Q.D.A.P., XI, 1945, pp. 1-26
Agora 17, s. 21, p. 9Peek, G.V.I., p. 6, no. 15
G. Pfohl, Greek Poems on Stone, p. 29, no. 87
Meritt, Hesperia, 21, 1952, pp. 351-355, drawing p. 354
Meiggs and Lewis, G.H.I., no. 35
E.M. 13356
W. Peek, Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, pp. 13-14, no. 12
May 1961
6 June 1933
14 November 1936
Agora 15, s. 244, p. 232B.D. Meritt, Hesperia, 30, 1961, pp. 261-262, No. 72, photograph pl. 46
S.E.G., XXI, 740
S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 192, No. 118, photograph
4 June 1938
29 January 1934
Agora 14, s. 125, p. 100Hesperia, 6, 1937, pp. 46-47
Hesperia, 6, 1937, pp. 47ff.
E.B. Harrison, A.J.A., LXV, 1961, p. 160
Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 53
C. Anti, Teatri Greci Arcaici, Padova, 1947, pp. 271ff.
J.H.S., LXVIII, 1948, pp. 152-155
Martin, Agora Grecque, pp. 466ff.